It all started with an exercise with a fellow director and then “Woken“, first feature film by Alan Friel came to life and began the Irish director’s debut. “Woken“is screening at the 23rd Science + Fiction festival in the Spazio Italia section as an italian premiere and it is a co-production between Ireland and Italy. The film has been shot in Ireland and post-produced in Rome.
As it depicts a woman waking up pregnant, in an isolated island, with no memory of who she is or was, discovering the human race is close to extinction because of a pandemic, “Woken” feels somehow familiar even if it is set in a dystopian future.
Alan Friel reveals that he has been working on “Woken” a long time before the Covid-19 pandemic and that’s why in the film he’s more focusing on provoking a debate about nature, environment and how the human race is actually contributing on making the world a difficult place to live in.
A woman who wakes up from an accident with no memory of who she is, and the realisation that the human race is close to extinction.