PODCAST | Angelo Acerbi interviews Rezwan Shahriar Sumit, director of the film The Salt in Our Waters.
Rezwan Shahriar Sumit directs a lean and poetic film, where art and superstition clash, where nature rules but it is Allah that rules everything anyway, where simple people can be manipulated and where life is anyway happy and simple, too. The film has been selected for and developed through the Audience Design program of the Torino Film Lab.
The Salt in Our Waters: For his latest art installation, Rudro journeys to a remote mangrove isle on the Bangladeshi Delta, a day’s boat ride and a world away from modern, crowded Dhaka. Welcomed by the local fishermen and their leader Chairman, Rudro’s modern ideas and lifelike sculptures enchant the village boys and his landlord’s daughter. But when the local Ilish catch proves elusive, the elders blame Rudro’s “idolatry” for the curse of empty nets. In this vanishing land where sea and sky merge, a storm is brewing and change – welcome or not – is coming.