“The Palace”, interview with actor Oliver Masucci
"The Palace" by Roman Polanski opens the door to a world of excess, futility and grotesque, to portray with irony the world of the rich and tgeir idiosyncrasies, that have no boundaries.
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“Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot
PODCAST | Angelo Acerbi interviews Nevina Satta, director of the Sardegna Film Commission.
Nevina Satta talks with us about the meeting in Cannes on green films policy, sustainable film sets in Italy and Europe, the growing sensibility about this key issue and the steps to be done in the near future.
This interview was recorded during the Marché du Film 2019 in Cannes, in partnership with the Sardegna Film Commission, thanks to the Italian Film Commissions Association and with the support of the Italian Trade Agency.
Written by: fredfilmradio
Angelo Acerbi Italian Film Commissions Italian Trade Agency Nevina Satta Sardegna Film Commission
Cartoon Digital"The Palace" by Roman Polanski opens the door to a world of excess, futility and grotesque, to portray with irony the world of the rich and tgeir idiosyncrasies, that have no boundaries.
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