PODCAST: FRED’s Chiara Nicoletti interviews Mathilde Henrot, co-founder of Festival Scope, at the 66th Berlinale.
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FRED caught up with Mathilde Henrot, co-founder with Alessandro Raja of Festival Scope, the platform all industry professionals know very well, offering services it provides to people working in the sectors of film acquisition, programming, international co-productions and promotion, in the final days of the European Film Market (EFM) of the 66th Berlin International Film Festival. The main topic of this interview concerns a big news for Festival Scope – the announcement of the development of a new platform, which will offer the general audience the opportunity to watch films featured in programs of film festivals. This new platform, done in collaboration with film festivals all over the world, hence begins a new era for Festival Scope, which will continue to offer services to professionals under the banner of Festival Scope PRO, and Mathilde Henrot tells us more about this brand new branch and the challenges to its creation.
FESTIVAL SCOPE in his creators’ words: “Over the last 5 years, Festival Scope has become a significant player in the film industry. Thanks to on-going agreements with film festivals worldwide, as well as our team’s commitment to discovering new films and talent with a curated approach, we make independent films available on-line so that they can enjoy extra visibility and promotion. Until 2015, Festival Scope was restricted to film professionals, providing a user-friendly environment to discover the latest films and projects on the festival circuit and get distribution and booking deals done. But our secret wish has always been to share our passion for independent cinema with everyone, everywhere, at any time. That time is now! Festival Scope celebrates its 5 years by branching out in two parallel paths. Festival Scope Pro is the path for film professionals actively involved in acquisitions, programming, promotion, exhibition, distribution, production or film journalism. Festival Scope is the new platform for film lovers who want to tour the world with us in search of the best films at the best film festivals.”