João Canijo – Mal Viver – Bad Living #Berlinale2023
The strange case of Bad Living and its mirror film Living Bad at the 73rd Berlinale.
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“Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot
PODCAST | Federica Scarpa interviews Makoto Shinkai, director of the animated film Suzume.
In competition at the 73rd edition of the Berlinale, Suzume, the new film by Mikado Shinkai, which is already a blockbuster in Japan. We spoke to the director about the development of this story, born just before the pandemic, but who then rediscovered a deep connection with the feelings that emerged during the lockdown. Shinkai then revealed what was hidden behind the missing chair leg from his film.
Suzume: In a small, peaceful town on Japan’s southern island of Kyushu, 17-year-old Suzume has lived with her aunt ever since she lost her mother as a little girl. One day on her way to school, she meets a mysterious young man named Souta who is in search of a door. She follows him into the mountains and finds a dilapidated old door standing alone among ruins. On an impulse, Suzume turns the handle, and at once sets free all the calamities the portal was meant to contain. All around Japan other doors open, threatening a population unaware of the looming danger. Together, Suzume and Souta set out on a journey to close them all again. Written and directed by anime auteur Makoto Shinkai, this epic adventure takes us across the length and breadth of Japan, venturing outside metropolitan hubs to seek doors of disaster in the abandoned infrastructures of depopulated rural areas. As we follow this young woman in her frantic search, we realise that she is also engaged in a personal quest for maturity and freedom. An intimate portrait that is also a study of a vulnerable yet combative nation, Suzume is a sign of resilience at a time when Mother Earth is sending humankind evidence of her fury.
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Written by: fredfilmradio
Berlin International Film Festival Berlinale2023 Competition Federica Scarpa Makoto Shinkai Suzume
Makoto ShinkaiFilm
BerlinaleThe strange case of Bad Living and its mirror film Living Bad at the 73rd Berlinale.
Petzold brings to the Berlinale competition the second chapter of his trilogy started with Undine. Afire is an enchanting but yet concrete tale on human relations and the poetics of love.
Rogowski and italian directors: the perfect match.
A journey to learn to open up to others and to the world.
Ari, in competition at the 75th Berlinale is a portrait of man trying to find his way back on track
The Safe house, in the 75th Berlinale competition, brings on the big screen La Cache by Christophe Boltanski
The Message by Ivàn Fund, in competition at the 75th Berlinale, blends the coming-of-age story with the road movie and magic realism
With Girls on Wire, Chinese director, writer and producer Vivian Qu shows women’s strength and resilience
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