Jakub Duszynski, Head of acquisitions Gutek Film Poland – panel moderator, TBS Panel – New Patterns of Film Marketing and Distribution
Festival section: The Business Street – Rome International Film Market
Right after the Panel “New Patterns of Film marketing and Distribution” The Business Street prepared in partnership with Europa Distribution, Fred’s Chiara Nicoletti meets Panel moderator and Head of Acquisitions of Gutek Film inPoland, Jacob Duszynski. New and alternative ways of distributing a film are the first main topic introduced by the panel, along with the necessity, shared by all the panelists, of defining the audience and contributing to create an audience and build it up. Jakub Duszynski will work on this audience development mission thanks to the Creative Europe project that will start this year called SCOPE50. He was co-president of Europa Distribution from 2011 to 2014, he has been program director of New Horizons Film Festival for many years and he is also a member of European Parliament’s Lux Prize Jury.
Reporter: Chiara Nicoletti