A talk about programming of festival and markets with Eibh Collins form the Galway Film Flare.
A non judgmental tale of an unhappy life, a cynical but fascinating protagonist and an exceptional voice-over by Nick Offerman.
A fun chat with director of a hypnotic and strange film.
Cairo International Film Festival
The growth of the Cairo International Film Festival continues.
One of the directors of the award winning documentary Honeyland talks about the experience of the shooting: somehow extreme but rewarding.
Italy For Movies: il nuovo portale omnicomprensivo per le produzioni cinematografiche, raccontato dalla presidente delle film commission italiane.
Un'analisi del fenomeno del cineturismo a partire dal successo della serie de Il Commissario Schiavone.
Ingvar Sigurðsson was one of the nominees as Best Actor at EFA 2019. He talks about his role and his acting method.
A surprising documentary , an intimate recollection of a relationship between a special mother and her son, a success not planned and unexpected: all of this through the words of Beniamino Barrese.
How a palestinian living in Israel manages to create international comedies on the struggle of his country? Here you can find it out, through the words of Sameh Zoabi.
Cairo International Film Festival
A heartfelt adaptation of Dalene Matthee's celebrated novel.
Cairo International Film Festival
The renowned Egyptian actress honored with CIFF's Faten Hamama Excellence Award.
The new activities in favour of film productions in Italy and the creation of Italy For Movies, a new tool online.
The relations between executive producers and film commissions: how to improve them.
A chat with a new player at Focus London, a new film company and commission from one wonderful and exotic part of our globe.
Cairo International Film Festival
One of the talents selected for the Arab Stars of Tomorrow showcase.
Cairo International Film Festival
One of the talents of the 2019 Arab Stars of Tomorrow showcase.
Cairo International Film Festival
Representing a Berlinale in the midst of change at one of today's rapidly growing international film festivals.
Conference of presentation of Italy at Focus London 2019.
A new initiative of the Toscana Film Commission, the Manifatture Digitali Cinema, explained by the first promoter and player Stefania Ippoliti.
One of the turo fo the Script Lab in Torino describe his approach and his methods, both in writing and in tutoring.
The filmmaker winner of the Golden Bear 2018 talks about her role in judging projects and the essence of her filmmaking.
Recipient of the Audience Design grant from the Torino Film Lab, the director of The Play tells su about the challenge and the inspiration around his project.
One of the consultants for Torino Film Lab talks about SVOD vs theatrical distribution and the constant quest for new talents.
Cairo International Film Festival
One of the talents of the 2019 Arab Stars of Tomorrow showcase.
An engaging talk about crowdfunding for films, its rules and the right approach to make it a valuable tool for financing.
Cairo International Film Festival
From Saudi Arabia, one of the 2019 Arab Stars of Tomorrow.
Cairo International Film Festival
Is there a connection between acting and hypocrisy?
The tale about the ghost of Laika, the first dog in space, wandering in the streets, among the stray dogs of Moscow. Human life through the eyes of dogs.