Hilal Baydarov – In Between Dying #Venezia77
An epic journey, pondering on existence.
An epic journey, pondering on existence.
Raging within the clash between Antia and the neo-Nazi movement.
A film about the violent clash between Antifa and the neo-Nazi movement.
Iconic queer director Bruce LaBruce talks about his last film and his multimedia artistic career.
An enchanting visionary tale set in the jungle on the Mexico-Belize border in 1920's becomes a metaphor-message against nature exploitation and patriarchy.
A film inspired by the infamous Blue Whale Game.
A poetic ode to the moon.
An almost two-hour-long conversation between icons Orson Welles and Dennis Hopper.
A new film from one of this year's Golden Lion winners for Lifetime Achievement.
A place in Haifa as a virtuous example of how people can meet despite their differences.
Through a memorial for the victims of the Dubrovka Theatre, the story of a nun and her past.
An unexpected and strangely contemporary film about internal divisions in Danish society where good and bad are mixed.
A contemporary woman and her contradictions .
Personal memories fill the film of Dongmei Li. A coming-to-terms story about her mother and her childhood.
Un film sulla perdita e il dolore, in una Sardegna bella e difficile. Un'ennesima grande prova per Salvatore Mereu.
Inspired by a true story, a Robin Hood tale with two Oscar winners Helen Mirren and Jim Broadbent.
Oscar winner Jim Broadbent in a "inspired by true events" Robin Hood Story.
The FRED Award Venice 2020 goes to Matt Dillon!
Talento e determinazione: la combinazione perfetta per realizzare i propri sogni. La vita di Salvatore Ferragamo secondo Luca Guadagnino.
La forza di una madre nel rivivere il figlio scomparso.
A Serena Rossi il personaggio più concreto e saldo nella Venezia invernale e soprannaturale di Stefano Mordini.
Stefano Accorsi ci racconta il suo ruolo nel film di chiusura di Venezia 77.
Un film soprannaturale e razionale allo stesso tempo, un lutto e il ricordo che non passa.
An intensive workshop hosted by prof. Elena Di Giovanni, fostered by SubTi Ltd.
Fragile di Max Nardari. Breve film ai tempi della pandemia.
Il corto Sì fuori concorso nella sezione Orizzonti.
An engaging and engaged film about child labour and the challenge of education.
An extract from the online conversation with Sam Rockwell organized by Mastercard during the 77th Venice International Film Festival.