Davi Pretto – Castanha #Berlinale2014
Davi Pretto, Diretor, Castanha. Secção de Festivais: Forum. O diretor Davi Pretto fala sobre seu filme Castanha. Reporter: Mariane Morisawa.
Davi Pretto, Diretor, Castanha. Secção de Festivais: Forum. O diretor Davi Pretto fala sobre seu filme Castanha. Reporter: Mariane Morisawa.
João Carlos Castanha, Actor, Castanha. Secção de Festivais: Forum. O ator João Carlos Castanha fala sobre o filme Castanha, de Davi Pretto, baseado em sua vida. Reporter: Mariane Morisawa.
Celina Murga, directora de cine argentina, habla con Freddie de la competencia internacional y de su experiencia como jurado. Evidencia la importancia del Bafici para encontrar nuevos talentos y obras que difícilmente circulan en el mercado comercial. Aprovechamos la charla …
Santiago Loza, Director, Si Je Suis Perdu, C'Est Pas Grave. Section: Competencia Argentina. Santiago Loza, prolífico director argentino, quien el año pasado ganó el premio a mejor película con "La paz", presenta su ultima obra "Si Je Suis Perdu, C'Est …
Lech Majewski, Director, Field of Dogs - Onirica. Festival Section: Panorama Internazionale. Polish artist,poet, composer, painter, writer, producer and director Lech Majewski, after revolutioning the way Art has been represented through cinema, this time has decided to explore the world …
Rani Massalha, Director, Giraffada. Festival Section: Panorama Internazionale. Fred meets with Rani Massalha on the occasion of the Italian premiere of his first feature film GIRAFFADA competing in the Panorama Internazionale at the 5th edition of the BIFEST – Bari …
Anna Margarita Albelo (Director, co-writer, co-producer and actress), Guinevere Turner (Actress), Who's Afraid of Vagina Wolf?. Festival Section: Bodies. Filmmaker Anna Margarita Albelo and actress Guinevere Turner talk to FRED about the film WHO'S AFRAID OF VAGINA WOLF?, from the …
Constanze Knoche and Leis Bagdach, director and screenwriter - Visitors Festival section: Generation clash Family ties in a vivid depiction of contemporary German society Reporter: Cristiana Palmieri
Nadeshda Brennicke, Actress, Banklady. Festival Section: German Currents. Nadeshda Brennicke graduated from the Zinner Schauspielschule in Munich in the early 1990s. It did not take long before she starring in a range of successful films such as Bob Swaim’s Le …
Shaun Kadlec, Co-director and co-producer, Born This Way. Festival Section: Minds. FRED meets filmmaker Shaun Kadlec at the BFI Flare London LGBT Film Festival. Shaun directed and produced the documentary BORN THIS WAY along with Deb Tullmann. At a time …
Jen McGowan - Director - Kelly & Cal Festival section: Narrative Spotlight Director Jen McGowan talks to FRED about bringing to life Amy Lowe Starbin's wonderful script for "Kelly and Cal", a film about a punk-rocker turned suburban mom, Kelly, who is nostalgic …
Jonny Weston - Actor - Kelly & Cal Festival section: Narrative Spotligh Actor Jonny Weston talks to FRED about his work with the director Jen McGowan and the challenges of playing Cal in the film "Kelly and Cal". In the film "Kelly and …
Juliette Lewis - Actress - Kelly & Cal Festival section: Narrative Spotlight Description: Juliette Lewis talks to FRED about her challenging role in the indie film "Kelly and Cal" as well as composing some of the songs featured in the soundtrack. She also …
Dieudo Hamadi - Réalisateur - Examen d'État Festival section: Compétition internationale À Kisangani, un groupe de lycéens qui n’ont pas les moyens de s’acquitter de la "prime des professeurs" s’organisent seuls pour préparer l’examen d’État, l'équivalent congolais du baccalauréat. Reporter: Bénédicte …
Ian Hultquist - Music Composer and Associate Producer - Animals Festival section: Narrative Competition Ian Hultquist, of the alt-rock band Passion Pit, talks to FRED about his recent work involving the movie “Animals” which premiered at SXSW in Austin, TX. Ian composed …
Kazuhiro Soda - Director - Campaign 2 (Senkyo 2) Festival section: International Competition The New York-based Japanese herald of'observational cinema' goes back to Kawasaki to film the second campaign for City Council of Kazuhiko Yamauchi, this time not only independently …
Beth Harrington - filmmaker - The Winding Stream Festival section: 24 Beats Per Second Beth Harrington, an award-winning independent producer, director and writer, talks to FRED about her new music documentary "The Winding Stream", a film that tells the story …
Micah Fink and Maurice Tomlinson - Director and Legal Advisor - The Abominable Crime Festival section: Minds Filmmaker Micah Fink talks to FRED about his documentary THE ABOMINABLE CRIME. We are also joined by Maurice Tomlinson, the legal advisor who is …
Stephen Silha and Max St.Romain - Co-Director and Co-Producer - Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton Festival section: Minds FRED talks to filmmaker Stephen Silha and producer Max St Romain about their documentary on the life and works of filmmaker, …
Matthieu Chatellier, Sauf ici, peut-être. Section: Compétition française. Avec Sauf ici, peut-être, Matthieu Chatellier nous offre un voyage subtil et pudique qui navigue entre des portraits de figures masculines abîmées par la vie et des silences habités. Filant la métaphore …
Jeanne Delafosse, Camille Plagnet, Eugène Gabana, le pétrolier. Section: Compétition Française. Jeanne Delafosse et Camille Plagnet nous entraînent à Ouagadougou à la rencontre d'Eugène Gabana dit "Le Pétrolier", un jeune homme de 20 ans au dos courbé et à la …
Kazim Öz, Réalisateur, He Bû Tune Bû (Once Upon A Time). Section: Compétition internationale. Dans ce documentaire au titre de fable, Kazim Öz nous donne à voir l'harassant quotidien d'une famille de saisonniers kurdes qui quittent chaque année l'Anatolie pour …
Letizia Gullo, Réalisatrice, Mare Magnum. Section: Compétition internationale Premiers Films. Le film de Letizia Gullo et Ester Sparatore, produit en France, suit la campagne électorale (et la victoire, en mai 2012) de la candidate verte Giusi Nicolini sur les îles …
Giovanni Donfrancesco, Réalisateur, The Stone River. Section: Compétition internationale. Sur les traces des tailleurs de pierre de Carrare arrivés en Amérique au début du XXème siècle, l'auteur fait résonner les rues enneigées et balayées par le vent de Barre (une …
Nam Dong Chul, Busan International Film Festival Programmer. Fred meets another representative of the ongoing partnership between FKOFF and BIFF: Nam Dong Chul, festival programmer at Busan. Reporter: Nicolò Comotti.
Stéphane Batut, Réalisateur, Le rappel des oiseaux. Section: Compétition Française. Alors qu'il voyage avec sa famille dans le Kham, Une province chinoise peuplée de Tibétains, Stéphane Batut assiste à des "funérailles célestes", une cérémonie rituelle où le corps du mort …
Jérémie Reichenbach, Réalisateur, Sangre de mi sangre. Section: Compétition Française. Jérémie Reichenbach a suivi le quotidien d'une famille argentine et de deux figures masculines qui travaillent dans un abattoir auto-géré. Son documentaire Sangre de mi sangre parle avec puissance et …
Fred meets with Riccardo Gelli, director of Korea Florence Film Fest. Reporter: Nicolò Comotti.
Kate Johnston (Co-director, co-screenwriter, co-producer), Shauna MacDonald (Co-director, co-screenwriter, co-producer, actress), Tru Love. Festival Section: Hearts. Tru can’t commit to relationships. She’s good at getting into them, it’s staying there that’s the hard part. With a trail of broken hearts …
Charles Lum ( Co-director and co-producer), James Kleinmann (Co-producer), Age of Consent. Festival Section: Bodies. Co-director and co-producer Charles Lum and co-producer James Kleinmann talk about their documentary AGE OF CONSENT, that was presented at the BFI Flare London LGBT Film …