Roma Film Festival
FRED will join the Roma Festival, in Rome, Italy, from the 16th to the 25th of October 2014. Go to the Roma Film Festival.
FRED will join the Roma Festival, in Rome, Italy, from the 16th to the 25th of October 2014. Go to the Roma Film Festival.
London Raindance Film Festival
FRED will join the Raindance Film Festival, in London, U.K., from the 24th of September to the 5th of October 2014. Go to the Raindance Film Festival.
FRED will join the Annecy Cinéma Italien Film Festival, in Annecy, France, from the 8th to the 14th of October 2014. Go to the Annecy Cinéma Italien Film Festival.
FRED will join the Sydney Italian Film Festival, in Sydney, Australia, from the 18th of September to the 12th of October 2014. Go to the Sydney Italian Film Festival.
Filmmaker Cristi Puiu (The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, Aurora) meets this year's Talents Sarajevo and talks to them about the origins of the cinematic image. Festival Section: Talents Sarajevo.
Amin Palangi - Festival Director - Sydney Persian Film Festival A great opportunity to see movies from the best known Persian filmmakers, alongside the most fresh of Persian voices. Reporter: Cristiana Palmieri
FRED will join the Sydney Persian Film Festival, in Sydney, Australia, from the 11th to the 14th of September 2014. Go to the Sydney Persian Film Festival.
Clémence Michalon - 28 Times Cinema - Représentant Français Reporter: Matt Micucci
David Oelhoffen, Director, Loin Des Hommes - Far From men David Oellhofen meets FRED's Chiara Nicoletti to talk about his new film FAR FROM MEN with Viggo Mortensen and Reda Kateb which is in competition at the 71st Venice International Film Festival. Festival Section: …
Habib Rezaei, Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, Actor, Director, Ghesseha - Tales Fred has the chance to speak with internationally acclaimed director Rakhshan Bani-Etemad and the actor HabibRezaei, about her latest film Ghesseha, here in competition at Venice 71. Festival Section: in competition Reporter: Nicolò …
Ahna O'Reilly, Janet Gretzky, Actress, The Sound and the Fury FRED's Chiara Nicoletti meets with the main actresses of the new film by James Franco, THE SOUND AND THE FURY, which has been presented at the 71st Venice International Film Festival …
Reda Kateb, Actor, Loin Des Hommes - Far from Men FRED's Chiara Nicoletti meets Reda Kateb, co-protagonist with Viggo Mortensen of the film LOIN DES HOMMES - Far From Men by David Oellhofen, in competition at the 71st Venice International Film Festival. Festival …
Rok Bicek, Director, Class Enemy Chiara Nicoletti meets again Rok Bicek, director of Class Enemy who is back in Venice, after participating in the Venice Critics' week last year, as one of the three finalists of the LUX PRIZE. Rok Bicek will have the possibility of presenting …
Scott Haze, Jacob Loeb, Actors, The Sound and the Fury FRED's Chiara Nicoletti meets with the main actors of the new film by James Franco, THE SOUND AND THE FURY, which has been presented at the 71st Venice International Film Festival …
Sabah Benziadi, Sciacca Film Fest. Reporter: Amanny Mohamed.
Ron Mann, Director, Altman. Festival Section: Venice Classics. Reporter Amanny Mohamed.
Sirvan Marogy, Jury Member, 28 Times Cinema. Séction: Venice Days.
Im Kwontaek, Director, Revivre. Festival Section: Out of Competition Fred meets with Im Kwontaek, director of Revivre, here out of competition in the 71st Venice Film Festival. Reporter: Matt Micucci
Alix Delaporte, Réalisatrice, Le Dernier Coup de marteau. Séction: Compétition internationale. Alix Delaporte nous parle de la relation parent-enfant qui est au coeur de son film, de son choix d'exprimer les émotions autrement que par les mots, plus physiquement (à travers la …
Venezia 71 si tancat cun su Leone d’oro a su film de su regista isvedesu Roy Andersson: “A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence” (Un piccione appollaiato sul ramo riflette sull’esistenza). Su film contat su biàgiu de duos …
Su 2 de santandria de su 1975 moriat Pier Paolo Pasolini. Abel Ferrara in su film “Pasolini” contat sas ùrtimas 24 oras de sa bida de un’intelletuale chi at fatu s’istòria de sa literadura e de su tzìnema italianu. Interpretadu …
Pro sas “Giornate degli Autori” Miu Miu presentat 2 cortometràgios chi at fatu fàghere a giòvanas registas fèminas de su panorama internatzionale. Unu bellu progetu de sa Domo de moda cun sa punna de mustrare ite cheret nàrrere a èssere …
Giornate degli Autori - Venezia
28 young film lovers from the 28 member states of the European Union are taking part in the 71th Venice International Film Festival. They are invited to watch, report and reflect upon films, as well as to attend daily discussions, workshops, …
In su documentàriu "Giulio Andreotti, il cinema visto da vicino", su senadore a bida benit intervistadu dae Tatti Sanguineti e Pier Luigi Raffaelli pro contare de cando fiat sutasegretàriu a sa Presidèntzia de su Cussìgiu, cun dèlega a s'ispetàculu, dae …
"Belluscone, una storia siciliana" contat de sas peleas patidas dae su regista Franco Maresco pro acumprire su progetu suo. Deghe minutos de aplàusos in sala pro unu documentàriu de inchiesta fora de sos ischemas, ue polìtica e bida fitiana sunt …
Isetende de ischire chi e at bintu su "Leone d'oro", custos sos àteros prèmios cunsignados: Prèmiu "Giornate degli autori" a Retour à Ithaque-Ritorno a L'Avana de su regista e iscenegiadore frantze su Laurent Cantet; Prèmiu "Schermi di qualità" a Anime …
James Franco, Director and Actor, The Sound and the FuryFred's Chiara Nicoletti meets again with James Franco who is in Venice to present, out of competition, his new film, The SOUND AND THE FURY based on the novel By William …
Céline Sciamma, Director, Girlhood. Festival Section: Premio Lux. French director Céline Sciamma, one of this year's three finalists for the European Parliament's LUX Prize with Girlhood, talks about her interest for the four cocky black girls from the Parisian suburb in …
“Loin des hommes”, regia de David David Oelhoffen. Su protagonista est Viggo Mortensen e petzi pro cussu nde balet sa pena de lu bìdere. Una bella interpretatzione in su film chi su regista matessi definit unu western ambientadu in s'istòria europea. …
Clotilde Hesme, Grégory Gadebois, acteurs, Le Dernier Coup de marteau Entretien jovial avec Clotilde Hesme et Grégory Gadebois, qui jouent la mère malade et le père distant du jeune héros du deuxième long métrage d'Alix Delaporte. Festival Section: Compétition internationale Reporter: Bénédicte Prot