Giornate degli Autori - Venezia
Ambros Pivk – 28 Times Cinema #VeniceDays
Ambros Pivk, 28 times jury member. Reporter: Nicolò Comotti.
Giornate degli Autori - Venezia
Ambros Pivk, 28 times jury member. Reporter: Nicolò Comotti.
Nathalia Videla Peña - Magma Cine, Argentina SPOTLIGHT on ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL AT THE ROME BUSINESS STREET Entre las iniciativas que El mercado internacional de Cine de Roma dedica al Cine de Argentina y Brasil y su industria,en colaboración con …
Bernardo Zupnik - Distribution Company Sudamericana S.A. SPOTLIGHT on ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL AT THE ROME BUSINESS STREET Entre las iniciativas que El mercado internacional de Cine de Roma dedica al Cine de Argentina y Brasil y su industria,en colaboración con Ancine, …
Sascha-Alexander Todner and Rahel Schöppenthau - 28 Times Cinema - Austrian and German Representative. Reporter: Matt Micucci.
Sabine Gisiger, Director, Yaloms Anleitung zum Glücklichsein. Festspielsektion: Piazza Grande. Irvin Yalom ist ein weltberühmter Psychotherapeut und Schriftsteller, dessen Bücher Millionen Menschen berührt haben. Sabine Gisiger porträtiert diesen außergewöhnlichen Mann in einem stillen Dokumentarfilm, der sich mit seiner Biographie aber auch …
Anton Corbijn and Willem Dafoe - Director and Actor - A Most Wanted Man A Most Wanted Man has been the last film SPECIAL EVENT to be screened at the 9° edition of Rome International Film Festival as an Homage …
Rinko Kikuchi, 女優, Last Summer 映画祭コーナー: Prospettive italiane Reporter: Angela Prudenzi
British Film Institute London Film Festival
Tetsuya Nakashima - Filmmaker - Kawaki (The World of Kanako) 映画祭コーナー: Dare Reporter: Matt Micucci
Kim Qyuri, Actress, Revivre. Festival section: Out of competition. Fred meets with Kim Qyuri, young protagonist of Revivre, the new film by Im Kwontaek. Reporter: Nicolò Comotti.
Kim Hojung, Ahn Sungki, Actors, Revivre. Festival section: Out of competition. Fred meets with Kim Hojung, Ahn Sungki, cast of Revivre, the new film by Im Kwontaek. Reporter: Nicolò Comotti.
ITALY & CHINA: THEATRES, TV, PLATFORM. Is coproduction the key word? Stephen LAM, Producer, Sil Metropol Organization Limited.
ITALY & CHINA: THEATRES, TV, PLATFORM. Is coproduction the key word? MIAO Xiaotian, President, China Film Co-Production Corporation.
Corneliu Porumboiu, Regizor, Când se lasa seara peste Bucuresti sau Metabolism. Regizorul Corneliu Porumboiu discuta cu FRED Film Radio despre intelesurile si subintelesurile filmului sau recent Când se lasă seara peste Bucureşti sau Metabolism. Prezentat în premieră internaţională la Festivalul de la …
Jurnalista Oana Stupariu vorbeste cu Fred Film Radio despre filmul documentar romanesc "Padurea e ca muntele, nu?" Cu referiri la starea cinemaului romanesc, situatia filmului documentar in Romania, critica de film si festivaluri de film din Romania. Reporter: Dana Knight.
Eduardo Novelli Valente - Dirigente Internacional Ancine. SPOTLIGHT on ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL AT THE ROME BUSINESS STREET Festival Section: Rome Business Street
Manoel Rangel - Presidente Ancine. SPOTLIGHT on ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL AT THE ROME BUSINESS STREET Festival Section: Rome Business Street
Grzegorz Jaroszuk, Director, Scriptwriter, Kebab&Horoscope. Festival Section: Main Competition. Everything changes in the lives of the workers of a carpet shop which is going bankrupt once its boss decides to save the failing business and employs not entirely honest marketing …
Krzysztof Rak (Scriptwriter), Łukasz Palkowski (Director), Bogowie ("Gods"). Festival Section: Main Competition. A story based on facts about the life of professor Zbigniew Religa, who performed the first successful heart transplant in Poland in the ‘80s. A portrait of an …
FRED will join the Dubai International Film Festival, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from the 9th to the 17th of December 2014. Go to the Dubai International Film Festival.
Doha Ajyali Youth Film Festival
FRED will join the Ajyal Youth Film Festival, in Doha, Qatar, from the 1st to the 6th of December 2014. Go to the Ajyal Youth Film Festival.
Amsterdam Documentary Film Festival
FRED will join the International Documentary Film Festival, in Amsterdam, Netherland, from the 13rd to the 30th of November 2014. Go to the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam.
FRED will join the Sydney Jewish International Film Festival, in Sydney, Australia, from the 29th of October to the 16th of November 2014. Go to the Sydney Jewish International Film Festival.
Oscar Ortiz - Lumière Films SPOTLIGHT on ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL AT THE ROME BUSINESS STREET Entre las iniciativas que El mercado internacional de Cine de Roma dedica al Cine de Argentina y Brasil y su industria,en colaboración con Ancine, Cinema …
Bernardo Bergeret - Dirigente Internacional INCAA SPOTLIGHT on ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL AT THE ROME BUSINESS STREET Entre las iniciativas que El mercado internacional de Cine de Roma dedica al Cine de Argentina y Brasil y su industria,en colaboración con Ancine, …
ITALY & CHINA: THEATRES, TV, PLATFORM. Is coproduction the key word? Jimmy HU, Chairman/CEO, Lumière Pavilions.
ITALY & CHINA: THEATRES, TV, PLATFORM. Is coproduction the key word? Jimmy HU, Chairman/CEO, Lumière Pavilions.
ITALY & CHINA: THEATRES, TV, PLATFORM. Is coproduction the key word? Sophie BOURDON, European producers association "Bridging the dragon".
ITALY & CHINA: THEATRES, TV, PLATFORM. Is coproduction the key word? Sophie BOURDON, European producers association "Bridging the dragon".
Gilles Sousa - Bac Films, Francia SPOTLIGHT on ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL AT THE ROME BUSINESS STREET The guest countries of the ninth edition of the Business Street, Argentina and Brazil, will find in Rome an ideal launch pad to highlight …
ITALY & CHINA: THEATRES, TV, PLATFORM. Is coproduction the key word? CAI Gongming, President, Road Pictures.