Ventana Sur Film Festival - Buenos Aires
Jérome Paillard – Ventana Sur Market
Jérome Paillard makes a balance of the sixth edition of Venata Sur
Ventana Sur Film Festival - Buenos Aires
Jérome Paillard makes a balance of the sixth edition of Venata Sur
Ventana Sur Film Festival - Buenos Aires
Melody Djavadi, Shoreline Entertainment's Aquisicions Director, presents the company's movies at Ventana Sur and talks about her experience in Buenos Aires.
Ventana Sur Film Festival - Buenos Aires
Shashi Kumar is a indian producer, distributor and exhibitor that came to Ventana Sur with the objective to bring Latinamerican movies to India.
Ventana Sur Film Festival - Buenos Aires
Bernardo Bergeret presenta para Fred la VI edición del mercado Ventana Sur con sede en Buenos Aires.
Ventana Sur Film Festival - Buenos Aires
Ivan Gergolet brings his movie "Dancing with Maria" to the Ventana Sur Market, looking for distributors in Latinamerica.
Ventana Sur Film Festival - Buenos Aires
Claudia Triana, the director of Proimagenes Colombia, the national Film Found, speaks about their movies being shown at Ventana Sur.
Les jeunes au seuil de l'âge adulte sont au centre de Les Combattants, premier long métrage de Thomas Cailley présenté en compétition à Gijón.
Thomas Lilti présente l'hôpital en tant que microcosme dans un premier long métrage prometteur: Hippocrate.
El maestro de la animación Sam pone la España cañí al servicio de la plastilina más gamberra.
A film about the right to intimacy. Terry McMahon talks with us about his latest work "Patrick's Day"
Amsterdam Documentary Film Festival
The true story of a real fake. Sam Cullman talks about his documentary "Art and Craft".
Amsterdam Documentary Film Festival
A personal account of incest and sexual abuse. Helen Simon talks about her film "No Lullaby"
Amsterdam Documentary Film Festival
Why must I be a transgender teenager in love? Filmmaker Elvira Nana Lind talks about "Songs for Alexis"
Pasado, presente y futuro del festival de cine de Gijón con su director, Nacho Carballo.
La adolescencia vagabunda en la tierra perdida de la Atlántida. Inés Barrionuevo revela las claves de su ópera prima.
The most important titles by the Filipino film-maker have screened at the 52º Gijón Film Festival.
Reality doesn't exist in front of the camera: the documentaries of Jos De Putter
How to describe the life of a confused young hungarian guy in the funniest and smartest way.
A young american director totally in love with Italian cinema, in competition at TFF32.
Terremotos de sueños: hacer frente al dolor con la creatividad.
Banks are cold , and money does not give you freedom.
Close Encounters of the Digital Kind at the National Cinema Museum of Turin.
A drama about fatherhood and the "second chance" in life we don't always see.
Nicolò Comotti tells about the last 24h to the 32° Turin Film Festival. FILM: A second chance
Nicolò Comotti tells about the last 24h to the 32° Turin Film Festival.