“The Bikeriders”, interview with director Jeff Nichols and actor Austin Butler
The Bikeriders by Jeff Nichols sees Austin Butler in the role of a mysterious motorcycle club member in the 60’s Chicago.
The Bikeriders by Jeff Nichols sees Austin Butler in the role of a mysterious motorcycle club member in the 60’s Chicago.
40° N, 73° W dive into the powerful exploration of overlooked histories with Director Sandy Williams. A conversation that reveals the intricate process behind capturing unscripted interviews and the significance of documenting forgotten narratives.
"The Suitcase" - Join us for a heartfelt conversation with Producer Rebecca Vittoria-Romanoff about a short film that sheds light on autism and the importance of awareness. Learn how this award-winning film is changing perceptions and inspiring change.
Rolando Ravello racconta l’incredibile esperienza sul set di Rumours, nel quale ha lavorato accanto a star come Cate Blanchett, Charles Dance e Alicia Vikander.
Le cinéma politique n’est pas mort: parle Paulo Carneiro, réalisateur du film A Savana e a montanha. Une lećon de courage et engajement.
The Falling Sky, documental dirigido por Eryk Rocha y Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, a la Quinzaine 2024
An esclusive interview to Wendy Mitchell, festival producer at Sundance London 2024.
After "Bowling Saturn", French director Patricia Mazuy comes back with "Visiting Hours", which scrutinises playfully, yet with great social acumen, the unlikely alliance of two prisoners' wives with very different backgrounds
Plastic Guns by Jean-Christophe Meurisse, at the Cannes’ Directors Fortnight 2024 is the new surrealistic film by the Bloody Oranges director
Arnaud et Jean-Marie Larrieu sur l'élément "réaliste et romanesque" du "Roman de Jim" : "Si on résume 27 ans de vie en 1h40, vous allez voir qu'on vit des émotions énormes, et c'est le cas pour tout le monde, chacun …
Spectateurs! special screening in Cannes 77, is Arnaud Desplechin’s love letter to cinema and its audience
En Fanfare di Emmanuel Courcol, a Cannes 77, riflette sul potere della musica, sulla fratellanza e sul determinismo sociale
Con Las Novias del sur, la spagnola Elena López Riera torna a raccontare le donne
Ghost Trail, in Cannes 77, sees winner of the UCR best actor award 2022 Adam Bessa coming back as protagonist
The Balconettes at Cannes 77, second feature by actress Noémie Merlant and written with Céline Sciamma, is an act of women liberation
My sunshine is a delicate coming-of-age inspired by director Okuyama’s own childhood and experience in figure skating
Gazer, at the Cannes Directors Fortnight, is a dream come true for director J.Sloan and protagonist Mastroianni: they conceived it, wrote it and produced it.
Marcelo Caetano, réalisateur de "Baby", en lice à la 63e Semaine de la Critique de Cannes : "Je pense que les histoires d’amour de cinéma sont des histoires d’amour impossibles".
Magnus von Horn Explores the Depths of Morality in "The Girl with the Needle" in Competition at the 77th Festival de Cannes
Everybody loves Touda in Cannes Premiere, is Ayouch’s homage to Sheikhats, the strong independent singers of Moroccan tradition
Con "Miséricorde", Alain Guiraudie esplora temi come il desiderio e la misericordia attraverso una narrazione ricca di tensione e mistero.
Blending punk comedy, eclectic music, and stop-motion fantasy, "Sister Midnight" is a bold and darkly humorous journey of self-discovery.
The formidable Isabelle Huppert talks about "Visiting Hours", her second film with French director Patricia Mazuy, where her character, a prisoner's wife, forms an unlikely pair with a woman in a similar situation except not at all, played by Hafsia …
Eephus, screening in the Directors’ Fortnight 2024, is a melancholic hangout film reflecting on time passing
Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina, girato nel 1972 da Marco Bellocchio, arriva a Cannes 77 in versione restaurata
Motel Destino marks Karim Aïnouz’s return to shoot in his Brazil and it’s an ode to passion and desire
"Diamant brut", qui brosse avec précision et bienveillance le portrait d'une jeune influenceuse, est aussi le seul premier long-métrage de la compétition cannoise cette année.
Armand is Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel’s debut feature with the chameleonic Renate Reisnve, at Cannes 77
The Village next to paradise is Somali/Austrian director Mo Harawe’s debut feature, premiering in Cannes 77
September Says is actress’ Ariane Labed’s directorial debut feature, screening in Cannes 77