Antoine Barraud, Bertrand Bonello – Le Dos Rouge #Berlinale
La creation de l'art cinematographique et la perception de l'art en toutes formes se croisent d'une façon fascinante
La creation de l'art cinematographique et la perception de l'art en toutes formes se croisent d'une façon fascinante
Direct distribution can be a good way to have your film seen. Listen to Gareth Ellis-Unwin: he did it and he tells us about it.
The winners of the best acting awards at the 65th Berlinale
600 Miles of a realistic and tricky look at the gun smuggling trade between US and Mexico.
"A comunhão de forças permitiu esse sonho maravilhoso de filmar no paraíso"
"You have to be crazy to be a documentary filmmaker" says filmmaker Patricio Guzmàn.
When making a chamber-piece film on a huge tragedy, such as the haiti earthquake, turns out being a brilliant and effective idea.
Maximiliano tuvo el enorme compromiso de ser yo
Janusz Gajos, Maja Ostaszewska - aktorzy - Cialo (Body) Czy dobrze pracowało im się z debiutująca na ekranie Justyną Suwałą? Jak budowali postać? Kim są ich bohaterowie? O pracy z Małgorzatą Szumowską opowiadaja aktorskie legendy, Janusz Gajos i Maja Ostaszewska, którzy …
"Tendo nascido do lado da sala, demorei 18 anos para tirar a narrativa e a câmera da sala para a cozinha e vir da cozinha para a sala"
From gay activist to anti-gay Christian pastor: I AM MICHAEL - based on the fascinating true-life story of Michael Glatze.
An observation on the various trends in short film production today.
How does the celebrated composer of some of the most memorable music scores in film history pick his projects?
The concept of architecture in film, as shown in Joanna Hogg's work Exhibition.
Face to face with Nazi architect and minister of war Albert Speer.
Violence and power: how to keep calm, cool and collected in revisiting historical horror.
The long way to a direcotr's cut goes trhough strength and patience. But it was worth it!
Być może najdojrzalsze, a na pewno najzabawniejsze dzieło "Szumy" w karierze.
A delicate portrait of a teenage girl's struggle to find her place in the world.
Laurent Crouzeix - programmer - Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival This is an extract from the 2015 Berlinale Talents master class "Short Cuts" from the 65th Berlin International Film Festival. In this extract Laurent Crouzeix talks about the evolution of the …
Aferim! - A special journey into Romanian past and a unique film to produce.
Un personnage si fort et troublant, un defi pour titute actrice. Et fanny malette nous dit comment le faire.
Un brillant realisatuer qui a un style , une vision et une narration tres personnelles et fascinantes
Janet McTeer as Anne Montague - A modern woman in the Victorian Age
Two love stories with one reference point, ANGELICA
Written, directed and acted by one man. He did it all! A wonderful internal monologue, and a great film.