Sofia Djama – Les Bienheureux – Version Intégrale #Venezia74
Un portait de la vie dans l'Algérie moderne, un film choral sur la memoire du passé et la voloné d'oublier, et de s'en aller ailleurs
Un portait de la vie dans l'Algérie moderne, un film choral sur la memoire du passé et la voloné d'oublier, et de s'en aller ailleurs
Venezia 74 opens its doors to Netflix: Errol Morris presents the first two episodes of Wormwood
We long for Andy Kaufman, we meet the person hiding behind "the mask" of Jim Carrey
An intensive workshop hosted by prof. Elena Di Giovanni.
A talk with the Head of the Culture Committee of the EU, on the occasion of the Lux Prize at the Venice film Festival.
A talk about cinema and cinema programmes of the EU with the Vice Chair of the Budget Recontrol Committee is more interesting than you might imagine.
How to face the new world of Virtual Reality productions under a financial point of view? How can we create a business model that can suit this new media?
Un extraordinaire effort pour un film tourné en guerrilla filming en Islande pendant un mois. Grande qualité et grande passion, sans doute.
A poetic film where the elements of water and wind and nature are central to the narration. A film about a trip, both real and internal.
We get into the world of Virtual Reality and its actual range of productions and possibilities, as displayed at the Venice fantastic venue on the island of Lazzaretto Vecchio.
A gripping film in the opal mine district in Australia, where a girl comes back to visit her estranged father and gets hooked by the place.
A woman's journey through torment, denial and loneliness till a new beginning
"There's never a unique interpretation of my films but I always have my own"
The perception of the LGBT issues in a movie are getting more and more blurry and personal
A film on friendship and finding someone's place in the world. Visually perfect
Un hymne à l'amour dans la jeunesse avec un cast qui donne tout pour un des réalisateurs parmis les plus fascinants du cinéma français
Alden Knight y Verónica Lynn hablan con Fred Radio de sus papeles en Candelaria, película dirigida por Jhonny Hendrix Hinestroza y estrenada en Venecia
El director colombiano Jhonny Hendrix Hinestroza habla de “Candelaria,” estrenada en la sección Jornadas de los Autores del Festival de Venecia
A vision of a world in the not-so-distant future
The whole world, within a square
A woman on a downward spiral of miscommunication, masochism, and madness
The marvellous life of Michael Waszinski
Pascal Diot nous rencontre pour faire le point sul le Venice Production Bridge 2017. Et il est très content.
The usual final chat on the results and achievements and the potential new developments
Love against fate, reason, and weakness.
Penetrating through the transparent walls of silence
El lider Màximo - and Jon
Women in a society that shapes our perceptions and values
Another astounding film from one of the most prolific and intriguing Aussie directors