Bill Emmott #Wue19
Springtime for nationalism? Sovranists won't win European elections.
Springtime for nationalism? Sovranists won't win European elections.
The Law and the Valley had its world premiere at Hot Docs International Canadian Documentary Festival and Escudeiro has won the award for Emerging Interational Filmmaker.
Bill Emmott: Wake Up Europe vuole fare riflettere sulle sfide globali.
Abbiamo incontrato al Wake Up Europe! Festival di Torino il corrispondente da Roma di Liberation e fondatore di Europanow, che vive in Italia dal 1992.
Annalisa Piras: il cinema può aiutarci a capire le sfide europee.
Cristina Priarone, direttore della Roma Lazio Film Commission, ci racconta i progetti in via di sviluppo presentati al Festival di Cannes.
El testamento emocional de Pedro Almodovar se convierte en la pelìcula mas personal de Antonio Banderas.
The new developments of Green Films, sustainable film shooting policy, from the voice of one of the most important activists and promoters.
La Calabria Film Commission presenta a Cannes due progetti appena realizzati e la sua attività.
Una joint venture tra Film Commssion Piemonte e VisitPiemonte, una in-house company della Regione Piemonte che si occupa dello sviluppo del turismo. E un nuovo fondo sullo sviluppo progetti.
Reviving Europe from the coma: interviewing Annalisa Piras, Wake Up Europe! Festival's director.
The directorial debut of Xavier Dolan's muse.
Laurie Anderson enters Virtual Reality with her artistic approach and makes the difference.
A portrayal of a woman and her struggle so true and real, surprisingly precise and made by a man.
L'esperienza di due giovani giurate al quarto anno di Young Audience Award.
Quattro anni di partnership tra Alice Nella Città e Young Audience Award.
Il valore di un'alleanza europea per il cinema, la cultura e i ragazzi.
"The films we watched today... I'm pretty sure the whole world would like to enjoy them!"
"I would like to think that film, as an art form, [...] would fly above any political issues or changes with what happens in Europe and the UK. I think that film will always play its part in bringing people …
"We were delighted, a few years ago, when the Young Audience Award started, because it fits in with [the BFI's] wish to support European cinema, and to support young audiences to watch as diverse a range of film as adults …
The Young Audience Award in the words of Flora and Luna.
One of the two Jury speakers for Turin's young audience of the Young Audinece Awards 2019 talks about her role and her taste in cinema.
The Young Audience Award Festival in the words of Flora and Luna, speakers of the Jury.
Uno dei due Jury speakers a Torino per la giornata degli Young Audience Awards ci parla del suo ruolo e del cinema che preferisce.
Grazie al Museo Del Cinema di Torino, il 7 maggio torna il Young Audience Film Day.
Profesores y alumnos de Galicia participan por primera vez en el EFA Young Audience Award en A Coruña.
El EFA Young Audience Award llega por primera vez a Galicia.
Třináctiletá Sára je milovnicí filmu a zúčastnila se Young Film Festivalu, kde spolu s dalšími dětmi hlasovala pro nejlepší film v rámci Young Audience Award.
Kryštofovi je 13 let a již poněkolikáté se účastní workshopů a udílení ceny mladého publika - Young Audience Award.