Leonor Teles – Dogs Barking at Birds #Venezia76
A gorgeously looking Oporto is the set for this film about gentrification and becoming adult.
A gorgeously looking Oporto is the set for this film about gentrification and becoming adult.
An intriguing short film on the consequnces of solitude on personal and social behaviours. Where is the line between acceptable and unacceptable?
"What we wanted to do was to try to see how politicians are behind their hard rhetoric. But [the film] is also centred around a sort of Romeo and Juliette plot".
Former Miss America 2014 talks about her documentary project Complex-sion, and her fight for non-discrimantion of people of color in the US.
Isable Sandoval and his male co-star Eamon Farren present the film Lingua Franca, a moving drama on the universal love that transcends gender.
Desire and boundaries in this sensual feature film debut.
A funny talk with special effects wizard Craig Caton who worked with Spielberg and Cameron, just to name a few...
An interesting talk about future, discrepancies between modernity and tradition and Laotian films.
The nicest man in the business talks about his last film, a documentary on an acting workshop in a maximum security jail in the US. Moving and inspiring.
The American Dream - in reverse...
En la entrevista con FRED, el director habla de esta película alegórica sobre la situación de los campesinos en México.
Le directeur du Venice Production Bridge nous parle de l'édition 2019, des résultats et des numeros.
Giornate degli Autori - Venezia
La réalisatrice du film Prix du Public des Giornate degli Autori nous parle de son amour pour la comedie et pour son pays.
The intertwined investigations of a father and a daughter, in different timelines, will determine their future.
Visually close, physically away.
The producer of the Lux Prize winner is at FRED radio to talk about the importance of this award and the growing success the film is having since its Berlinale premiere.
Vivendo la performance fino alla fine.
Giornate degli Autori - Venezia
Una striscia colorata, al di là della tela.
Due membri della giuria Queer Lion ci raccontano la loro esperienza e il loro pensiero sulla cinematografia lgbt.
Salvatores torna a raccontare il viaggio e può contare sulla sua musa Valeria Golino.
Salvatores torna a raccontare il viaggio e può contare sulla sua musa Valeria Golino.
La nuova direttrice della scuola di documentario del Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia a Palermo ci parla della sua visione di scuola e degli obiettivi che si pone.
Giornate degli Autori - Venezia
Accettazione e crescita in una famiglia meravigliosamente imperfetta.
In conversation with Julie Andrews.
The subtle nuance between loss and perdition.