Rose Glass – Saint Maud #LFF2019
You never know what's going on in another person's head.
You never know what's going on in another person's head.
The delight of playing a character with a big appetite.
The meaning of experimental films while searching for the women of "copla".
Kindergarten teachers are the real superheroes.
The director of Judy talks about the transformation of Renée Zellweger.
A sick man requires the services of an institution that helps people to die, but strange things happen there...
Bright and Gun are the real journalist and whistle-blower depicted in the film by Gavin Hood.
Alessandro Beretta ci racconta la nuova edizione del Milano Film Festival.
Rocks is the nickname of a teenager that struggles to survive in the suburban London.
Memory and forgiveness are key to the search of a lost friend.
Girard directs the adaptation of Norman Lebercht's novel with Tim Roth and Clive Owen leading the cast.
Jordan talks about the quality in this year's selection and what are the difficulties in his task.
The discovery of freedom and a new scheme for his family, in the eyes of a little child
Sorry We Missed You is a depiction of the new poor workers in Britain, that slave away in order to survive
PODCAST | David Martos interviews Delphine Lehericey, director of the film Beyond The Horizon. The director tells FRED how her life as a woman is very similar to the transition depicted in the movie. The conversation revolves around the situation …
Los dos actores protagonizan un 'road movie' sobre la búsqueda de un perro abandonado.
El director cuenta que realizó la película después de dos proyectos cinematográficos frustrados.
Una sátira protagonizada por Michel Houellebecq y Gerard Depardieu, huéspedes de un centro de talasoterapia.
Eduard y Greta, padre e hija en la vida real, protagonizan su primera película juntos.
Funes, directora novel, trae su ópera prima a la sección oficial del Festival de San Sebastián.
La actriz valora el papel de 'La trinchera infinita' como el más importante de su carrera.
The actress talks about the tough weather conditions during the shooting of The other lamb.
The director talks about the challenge in making her first film in English (and out of Poland).
The actress talks with FRED about the world of musicians and how women have to combine work and family matters.
Los directores de la película cuentan si sintieron miedo al elegir para la cinta un tema tan controvertido como la Guerra Civil Española.
Il Sud è da sempre luogo geografico e luogo dell’anima. Inferno e paradiso, cronaca e favola. Così è questo film. Africo è in Europa, e ci ricorda cosa, solo un secolo fa, poteva essere la nostra terra, ma in quanto …
The director talks to FRED about her second feature film, based on the world of classical musicians in Berlin