“Los Destellos”, entrevista a la directora Pilar Palomero y la actriz Patricia López Arnaiz
Charlamos con la cineasta zaragozana y la actriz vasca, que explican cómo ha sido el viaje a la pantalla del relato de Eider Rodríguez
Charlamos con la cineasta zaragozana y la actriz vasca, que explican cómo ha sido el viaje a la pantalla del relato de Eider Rodríguez
Charlamos con los intérpretes de la película de Pilar Palomero, que explican cómo ha sido su primera colaboración con la directora de ‘Las niñas’
The Australian director Adam Elliot talks to FRED about how he conceived Memoir of a snail as it just won first prize in Annecy.
Charlamos con el equipo de esta coproducción entre Panamá y Colombia, que supone el debut en el cine de ficción para la cineasta Ana Endara tras forjarse en el documental.
Director Audrey Diwan and her actresses Merlant and Huang on why they decided to revisit an erotic cinema classic giving it a contemporary and feminist look.
La direttrice artistica della 19° Festa del Cinema di Roma, Paola Malanga, introduce il programma della manifestazione che vuole sorprendersi e sorprendere
In "Russians at war", Anastasia Trofimova films a Russian Army battalion in Ukraine over the span of a year as it continues its invasion across Eastern Ukraine
Adele Cammarata e Luca Di Sessa: intervista ai vincitori del contest Young Blood.
The order by Justin Kurzel is a tense cat and mouse thriller written by Zach Baylin and led by actor and producer Jude Law
"I Will Revenge The World With Love - S.Paradjanov" by Zara Jain is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the world's freest and most famous artist, filmmaker and incarcerated man. A search for common ideas, goals and solutions, …
L’ultima settimana di settembre è un road movie su di un nonno ed un nipote che fanno i conti l’uno con l’altro e con se stessi.
"September 5" is the narration of the moment when live news coverage changed forever. Ben Chaplin plays the experienced news producer that is asked by history to make the difference and manage the unthinkable, when the terrorists attack at the …
Giornate degli Autori - Venezia
“Possibility of paradise” the quest for a new Eden in a tropical purgatory, where dreams face reality: what is a good life, and how to live it?
"Songs of slow burning earth", the normalisation of war depicted through an impressive cinematographic documentary: filming as a tool to resist during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
FII - Lo stupore del mondo, un racconto animato e in rima sul percorso di vita di Federico II di Svevia
Bestiari, Erbari, Lapidari è il documentario enciclopedico in tre atti su animali, piante e pietre. Mondi “sconosciuti” che troppo spesso diamo per scontati.
In Il tempo che ci vuole, Romana Maggiora Vergano impersona i ricordi di Francesca Comencini sul padre Luigi sul grande schermo.
“Edge of Night” explores the profound complexities of loyalty and identity amidst societal struggles. Discover how Türker Süer captures the emotional essence of his characters in this compelling narrative.
"L'attachement" est un film sur la liberté de l'indépendance que Sandra ( Valeria Bruni Tedeschi) voit basculer quand elle se lie affectivement à une famille qui habite voisin d'elle. Mise en scène très intéressante d'un thème pas si fréquemment affronté …
“Youth Homecoming” offre una profonda esplorazione dell’adolescenza e delle sfide identitarie. Scopri come Wang Bing cattura l’essenza delle esperienze umane in questa narrazione toccante.
‘King Ivory’ is the street slang name for fentanyl. The film recounts the devastating aspects of the spread of this drug, on all those involved, transversally, in a direct, almost news report style, and with people not really actors involved, …
Moderator: Myriam Achard (Chief, New Media Partnerships and PR, PHI) Speakers: Craig Quintero (Artistic Director, Riverbed Theater), Tung-Yen Chou (Artistic Director, Very Theatre Company & VeryMainstream Studio), Samantha King (Head of Programme, VIVE Arts), Leo Lee (CEO, Funique VR), Leo …
JETRO hosts a panel featuring Japanese film producers and international distributors or film programmer. The discussion focuses on the current global position and uniqueness of Japanese film as well as the potential for international co-productions. MODERATOR Naofumi Makino (Director of Digital Content & …
The Book Adaptation Rights Market has selected 30 international publishing houses and literary agencies plus 3 for the VPB Focuses (1 within the FOCUS ON LUXEMBOURG WALLONIA – BRUSSELS supported by Film Fund Luxembourg and Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel and 2 within …
Il concorso Corti senza Confine: lo sguardo del cinema su Nova Gorica e Gorizia per "GO! 2025 Capitale Europea della Cultura" ha visto premiare 8 progetti scelti tra 150, da una giuria di esperti presieduta d Gabriele Salvatores.
Opening Remarks Simona Loizzo (Intergruppo Parlamentare Tumore al seno XII Commissione affari sociali Camera dei Deputati) Lucia Borgonzoni (Undersecretary of State to the Ministry of Culture) Francesco Saverio Mennini (Head of Dipartimento della programmazione, dei dispositivi medici, del farmaco e …
ITTV Foruim has developed in a major international forum on film and tv production, with an addition, starting this year, of a section dedicated to Technology and its influence on the creative and productive processes.
Moderator: Laurence Reymond (Short Films & XR Project Manager,Unifrance) Speakers: Isabelle Andreani(Director), Gwenaël François (Director), Voyelle Acker (Producer,Small Creative), Alizé Lecuivre (Creative Development Manager), Pierre Gable (Creative Director), Stephane Hueber-Blies (Director), Nicolas Blies (Director), Chloé Jarry (Producer, Lucid Reality), Hayoun …
Film & Television Executives from around the world explore emerging trends, innovative finance strategies, international partnerships, sales & distribution trends, and essential tools for staying ahead. They will offer invaluable insight into the everevolving world of entertainment finance, new content trends, share firsthand …
Four producers from Luxembourg and Wallonia-Brussels shine a light on navigating the co-production environment in and with the “Center of Attraction”: Which types of international projects thrive through coproductions with Luxembourg and Wallonia? How have the landscape and financing mechanisms …