Shogen, Matsuura Ryo – December, your lovely smile #FarEastFilmFestival
Scripted by Lim, a Malaysian-born director long based in Osaka, Your Lovely Smile has the feel of a Watanabe film by proxy, with his distinctive brand of self-mocking humor.
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INDUSTRY Channel 27 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to industry professionals.
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“Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot
PODCAST | Matt Micucci interviews Ilaria Gomarasca, head of First Cut+.
A conversation with Ilaria Gomarasca, head of First Cut+, the program created for boosting the competitiveness and marketability of feature films that previously participated in First Cut Lab. The conversation was recorded ahead of its Winter Session, which is to take place during the When East Meets West co-production market on January 22-26. In addition to speaking about what will be happening over the course of these days, Gomarasca also talks about how First Cut+ and First Cut Lab at large have been responding to the pandemic as well as how has expanded and plans to continue to expand in the near future.
Written by: fredfilmradio
Ilaria Gomarasca Matt Micucci WEMW21 When East Meets West
The Missed RoundFestival
When East Meets WestScripted by Lim, a Malaysian-born director long based in Osaka, Your Lovely Smile has the feel of a Watanabe film by proxy, with his distinctive brand of self-mocking humor.
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