PODCAST| Chiara Nicoletti interviews Glenn Close and Anne Stark, actresses in the film The Wife.
Glenn Close and her daughter Anne Stark are the protagonists of The Wife by Björn Runge, presented as a Gala Premiere at the 13th Zurich Film Festival. They play the same character, the young Joan Castleman falling in love with this young and promising professor (Jonathan Pryce) and writer and the adult Joan, dealing with the results of her life spent supporting this man. Glenn Close and her daughter talk about their approach to the film and their roles and describe their mother-daughter relationship in real life. Since The Wife portrays a strong and talented woman who gave up her career and ambitions for love, it is the perfect occasion for Glenn Close to talk about her career choices and iconic films such as Fatal Attraction.
The Wife: Joan Castleman is a model wife: loyal, attentive, considerate and still very attractive. She and her spouse, Joe, a successful writer, have been a formidable team for the past 40 years. Joan has always taken Joe’s shortcomings and affairs with a pinch of humour – they are, after all, a part of his existence as an artist – and her years of support finally seem to pay off: Joe is asked to travel to Stockholm in order to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. The more he finds himself in the spotlight, however, the more she finds herself trapped in his shadow. In a Stockholm hotel lobby – on the eve of the ceremony – Joan takes a radical decision… THE WIFE is the bittersweet story of one woman’s liberation, in which Glenn Close manages to upstage any shred of masculinity with elegance and venom.
For the official page of the film on the Festival website, click here.