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    “Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot

London Spanish Film Festival

“Free Falling”, interview with director Laura Jou

todaySeptember 26, 2024

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Laura Jou, director on "Free Falling", masks, metaphor and the path to self-acceptance

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    "Free Falling", interview with director Laura Jou Sarah Bradbury

Podcast | Download

On the opening night of the 20th anniversary of the London Spanish Film Festival, Fred Film Radio spoke with Laura Jou about her second feature, the psychological thriller “Free Falling” or “Caída Libre“.

The director shared how her jumping-off point was her central character of Marisol, a woman who wears a mask both literally in the per cent make-up she wears and figuratively, a veneer of strength hiding intense vulnerability and insecurity.

She explained how she worked to craft the gymnast-turned-coach along with her actress Belén Rueda, both inside and out in terms of her look and also her inner conflicts, as well as casting Ukranian Mariia Netavrovana, a gymnast who, although had no acting experience or Spanish language skills, was perfect for the part of Angelica.

We further discussed the importance of the striking visuals, colours and sound design in the film, which add to the tense atmosphere, and the role of symbols and metaphors.

Jou expressed her desire for viewers to see past Marisol’s tough exterior to see the journey she takes toward redemption and self-acceptance through the movie, raising questions about societal pressures on women to look, age, behave and succeed in particular ways, often with dire consequences.


Marisol’s life seems perfect, mirroring the precision of her technique. Once a national rhythmic gymnast, she is now a demanding coach, expecting nothing less than perfection from Ukrainian newcomer Angelica as the World Championship approaches. Methodical, controlling, and authoritarian, Marisol disregards feelings and demands the same perfection from her husband, Octavio, only to discover he’s having affair. Laura Jou’s second feature film is emotionally tense and complex. It not only delves into pain and frustration, but also the courage of a woman confronting life’s challenges, exploring her resilience against societal expectations of success. The film maintains a thrilling pace that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is produced by the acclaimed Juan Antonio Bayona.

Written by: Sarah Bradbury


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