Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
Cheating, playing, diminishing death.
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
The dancer is the dance, a body and the issue of masculinity and femininity.
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
The relationship between sexuality and death.
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
A film inspired by the works of Eric Rohmer.
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
An adaptation of the real life story of an albino girl in an intense film presented in the Biennale College Cinema programme.
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
An introspective glimpse of the life and artistic career of William Friedkin.
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
Creativity from the perspective of some of the greatest modern artists and thinkers.
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
When Bruce Weber meets Robert Mitchum.