Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
Ira Sachs #LOVERSFF19
Ira Scahs has been celebrated at Lovers Film Festival. We meet him to talk about LGBT films, activism and the concept of freedom and expression nowadays.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
Ira Scahs has been celebrated at Lovers Film Festival. We meet him to talk about LGBT films, activism and the concept of freedom and expression nowadays.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
Love and food are a good match. A trip into the life of a lost lover turns into a new beginning, for a German baker, a little different than expected.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
The famous Frech director, celebrated at LFF 2018, shares some of his secrets and thoughts about filmmaking, editing and actors.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
With an out-of-time look, a visually stunning story about a new kind of fascinating hustler in a surreal and dreamy London, that maybe does not exist.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
An intense and tragic love story in the gorgeous beauty of the Thai forests, celebrating the tradition of Bai Sri, the ephemeral art of flower composition.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
Iconic writer Dennis Cooper teams up with the video artist Zac Farley on a feature film about teenage limbo, where boredom leads to extreme choices adults cannot understand.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
13 years after the film The Opposite Sex, Renié and Jamie reveal their lives and where they are at. Time is the greatest healer.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
A very Finnish look at coming out, in a summer on a lake. Funny and delicate. When love is easy and light, and you are young enough to enjoy it as it is.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
A coming out love story in a high school in the Filippino countryside