Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
Babatunde Apalowo – All the colors of the world are between black and white #LFF38
The first Nigerian film with LGBTQi themes is a story about loneliness, need for love and to be loved.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
The first Nigerian film with LGBTQi themes is a story about loneliness, need for love and to be loved.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
A coming of age that tells of the discovery of oneself and of the world, and which turns out to be a discovery as a film too, due to the maturity, delicacy and freshness with which it is filmed and interpreted.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
A personal and spiritual journey through America, with a very particular twist.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
Sotto i colori di un grande aquilone arcobaleno disegnato da Vauro, Lovers Film Festival ritorna.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
The rare case of a film all done by trans people, for the trans community that overlaps the niche barriers to become a festival phenomenon.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
The Opening Night film of Lovers Film Festival 37 in the words of the director Matt Carter and his actors Alexander King and Ivan Comisso.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
Riscoprire Mario Mieli grazie a testimonianze e materiale inedito: La Faraona che trascendeva il genere.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
A film as a therapeutic and emotional way to reconnect with the past and with a lost brother.
Torino Lovers Film Festival Interview
"The earthquake is the central character of the film". The magical realism of Finlandia at the Lovers Film Festival.