BFI London Film Fest Interview
Isabel Moir, interview with festival programmer of BFI London Film Festival 2024
An esclusive interview to festival programmer, Isabel Moir, on the best of BFI London Film Festival 2024.
BFI London Film Fest Interview
An esclusive interview to festival programmer, Isabel Moir, on the best of BFI London Film Festival 2024.
The 67 LFF celebrates cinema: "Evil Does Not Exist," "Paradise Is Burning," "Bye Bye Tiberias," and "The Archive: Queer Nigerians" stood out.
Il 67LFF celebra il cinema: vincono "Evil Does Not Exist", "Paradise Is Burning", "Bye Bye Tiberias" e "The Archive: Queer Nigerians".
BFI London Film Fest Interview
Rowan Woods, Festival Programmer, London Film Festival, discusses what's in store for the 67th edition.
BFI London Film Fest Interview
Martin Scorsese’s ninth collaboration with Robert De Niro finds the master filmmaker returning to the genre he has helped define, with a mystery that has never been solved.
BFI London Film Fest Interview
On the red carpet, Kathrrine Langford talks about the experience on set fo Knives Out.
BFI London Film Fest Interview
One of the most unusual and challenging film in the festival in the words of its director.
BFI London Film Fest Interview
An astounding first feature of a Saudi Arabia's mermaid film, in black and white, And this is just the beginning...
BFI London Film Fest Interview
BFI London Film Festival Chief Executive Officer, Amanda Nevill, spoke to us about this year's festival from the red carpet of the The Irishman.