Dopo Dulcinea e Pierino, Luca Ferri chiude la sua trilogia "domestica" con La Casa dell'amore.
Sune is back at Berlinale with his new adventures.
The cast of Sune-Best Man talk about their new adventure in the sequel of the 2019 Sweden's box office's champion.
Chris Lewis, one of the sons of myth Jerry Lewis, talks to FRED about the donation of materials kept by his father from the shooting of the lost film 'The day the clown cried'.
Fede e ragione, corpo e spirito, etica ed estetica: il viaggio in bianco e nero di Valentina Pedicini nel mondo dei monaci guerrieri.
The 70th Berlinale honours Oscar-winner Dame Helen Mirren with the Honorary Golden Bear for her lifetime achievement.
The Omen and the New.