Kateryna Gornostai – Stop-Zemlia #Berlinale2021
A portrait of teenage troubles, pains and joys.
A portrait of teenage troubles, pains and joys.
Bruhl's directorial debut is a black comedy which in the end will make you question yourself and watch out for your neighbours.
From Inga H. Sætre’s graphic Novel Fallteknikk, a late coming of age on the thousand nuances of womanhood, maternity and pregnancy.
The Generation Special mention goes to Cryptozoo for its ray of hope while raising big questions.
The constant fight for Democracy, The power of art.
A love story, the evil eye, Notti Magiche and Nanni Moretti: tradition, superstition and italian cinema in Koberidze's cinema at the Berlinale.
From producer Roberto Minervini Carlos Alfonso Corral's debut film on the forgotten America of homeless families, man and women waiting to be heard.
Is it possible to fall in love with a robot? What do women and men look for in a relationship? I'm your man by Maria Schrader tries to answer.
A mom and her daughter's adolescences intersect through a "memory box".