Cameron Bailey – Torino Film Lab Jury #TorinoFilmLab
The artistic director of the Toronto Film Festival talks about his role as juror for the Torino Film Lab competition.
The artistic director of the Toronto Film Festival talks about his role as juror for the Torino Film Lab competition.
Human relations are important, now even more in the crazy world we live in. A real friendship can happen even in the weirdest way, like in Papi Chulo.
Is it right to judge a politician by his private life choices instead of his political agenda?
An astounding first feature on the consequences of war. An original point of view for a strong and intense film, beautiful and painful.
Torino Film Lab - A case of excellence: directors talk about their successful and fortunate experience at the Italian international workshop.
A nuanced, complex portrait of a teenage tomboy struggling with and exploring her sexual identity.
A chamber piece out at sea, formulating a categorical imperative Europe can no longer ignore.
The innovative approach behind the 2018 Golden Bear winner.
An ironic tale on suicide, life and death at the Rome Film Fest.
The youngest star in Bad Times at the El Royale lands in Rome.
Seven strangers and a night at the border between California and Nevada where everything can happen.
A false brotherhood, but for whom?
An ordinarly insane act of police violence is described and seen through three different persons in this powerful drama.
Ready Player One and Friday's Child aren't different: in both films you're trying to communicate what's important for you.
From scream queen to teen idol: Maika Monroe meets the Young Adults of Alice nella Città.
The director of the acclaimed doc The Wolfpack talks about her first narrative feature film.
With a movie like this, where comedy becomes black back and forth, we could not talk about this tradition in Irish films and the mechanism required to make it work.
64 films from 23 countries to celebrate the diversity of Jewish culture and storytelling.
Iranian Film Festival Australia
The 8th edition of the Iranian Film Festival Australia showcases a diverse range of the best of current Iranian cinema disseminating Iranian culture through cinematic experience.
The master of movies about America astonished the audience at the New York Film Festival, taking us to a small town in the Midwest.
MIA - Mercato Int. Audiovisivo - Roma
Story-telling at its finest.
The absurdity of normalisation.
What is between two sides of a war.