International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
Eva Trobisch – All Good #IFFAM2018
A debut feature that defies conventional narratives.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
A debut feature that defies conventional narratives.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
The challenges and allure of melding Chinese and Western cinemas and protecting a director's vision.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
An Hindi martial arts movie with both style and substance.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
One of Hong Kong's "Four Heavenly Kings" and a talent ambassador at this year's edition of IFFAM.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
The great Chinese filmmaker on the current state of Chinese cinema and more.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
The young actors from Sébastien Marnier's latest film.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
A feature debut inspired by memories, Kafka and more.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
A reminder that the apocalypse is near.
International Film Festival & Awards - Macao
A few words on Macao's relatively new but constantly evolving international film festival.
Be careful what you dig for..."Three Feet Deep is a film noir inspired crime thriller that captivates at every turn and keeps you on the edge of your seat".
The Trentino Film Commission works steadily and without rest, as Luca Ferrario tells us in this interview at Focus London 2018.
The activities of the Lucana Film Commission were presented at Focus London 2018.
Roma Lazio Film Commssion at Focus London 2018. We meet its general director Cristina Priarone.
The Genova Liguria Film Commission at Focus 2018 London, through the words of its director Andrea Rocco.
We meet the Valle d'Aosta Film Commission and its director Alessandra Miletto, to talk about the challenges to face and the aims to reach in the future.
Meeting the Italian Film Commissions Association at Focus London 2018, the locations international market.
A peculiar coming of age, self made, of a young girl who spends most of her time at home alone, in the Philippines at the end of the 80's.
A story of a man who is happier when his life is in pain: a strange and enticing film with a slick look and an undergound irony.
A wrap up talk on Torino Short Film Market 2018, with its director Jacopo Chessa.
The international production manager of Apulia film Commssion tells us the features and successes of its office, at Focus London 2018.
We talk with Raz Degan about the use and importance of location and the job of producing and directing doumentaries.
An overview on the activity of European Film Commissions Association, and on the challeges to face and solve.
The Toscana Film Commission at Focus London 2018, through the words of Raffaella Conti.
The Torino Piemonte Film Commssion, its funds, its events and new ideas in projects' development, through the voice of its director Paolo Manera.
The Sardinia Film Commission at Focus London 2018 : we meet the director Nevina Satta.
The tale of Hana who wants desperately to flee from Jerusalem to a new life.
A short film from Romania, a humorous view of the dark times at the end of the 80's.
Iranian born, UK based director Babak Jalali talks about his role as a juror at the Torino Film Lab and about his job as a filmmaker.
The work of a script consultant through the voice of Franz Rodenkirchen, consultant at Torino Film Lab.
When there's no difference between a villain and an antihero: today's Iceland seen through a thriller.