Ethan Coen #RomaFF14
Ethan Coen on the red carpet of the 14th Rome film fest.
Ethan Coen on the red carpet of the 14th Rome film fest.
With Edward Norton on the red carpet of the 14th Rome film fest’s opening film, Motherless Brooklyn: co-star Gugu Mbatha Raw and Bobby Cannavale joined by John Turturro, director of the Jesus Rolls.
The importance of stories in everyone’s life.
The star of The Help, fences and how to get away with nursed receives the career award at 14th Rome film fest.
Jesus Quintana is back: after 20 years John Turturro is bringing back to life the Big Lebowski's iconic character.
Bringing the Disney lesson into Playmobil The Movie. Lino DiSalvo hightlights the importance of research in animation films.
Jewish International Film Festival - JIFF
Beyond the Bolex is a journey into the, until now, untold story of one of the most beloved and widely used pieces of technology in all of film history.
Jewish International Film Festival - JIFF
“The 2019 program is jam-packed with extraordinary new Jewish cinema from Israel and the diaspora, with both excellent local productions and acclaimed international stories that will into offer wonderful insight into the unique vibrancy of Jewish culture around the world,” …
Jewish International Film Festival - JIFF
Man on a bus is a touching story about love, lies and secrets. Eve always had the suspicion that there were untold stories and secrets in her family who survived the Holocaust. As a psychologist and filmmaker she unpacks her …
A harsh film, unforgiving and unforgettable, with Michael Pitt in a heartwrenching and desperate role, on top of his acting craft.
John Travolta in Rome presents The Fanatic and looks back at his carrier.
Four of the 11 directors of Interdependence talk about the project and their films.
With an outstanding performance, Natalia Belitski portrays a mentally confused young woman in Elisa Mishto's Stay Still.
Two young actors, at their first major role, in a coming of age bitter and sweet film, shot in gorgeous Slovenian landscapes.
An astounding first feature of a Saudi Arabia's mermaid film, in black and white, And this is just the beginning...
From Grey's Anatomy to the set of the Italian king of comedy Alessandro Siani: Stefania Spampinato is back in Italy as protagonist of Il giorno più bello del mondo.
A talk on the film of the last iconic London concerts of the last Judy Garland, and the oustanding Renée Zellweger.
An award winning screenplay for a touchin film with a different touch to the issue of grief and death.
A surprising beautiful film on family ties and brotherhood, in New York in a jewish family. A new splendid take on a well-known subject...
The queen of chick-lit and best-selling Shopaholic series comments on her book becoming a film.
“The production [of Cypriot shorts] is of a higher standard than it was a few years ago. And this is not [just] wishful thinking. You can see Cypriot short films being screened in [well-respected] film festivals and winning awards. I …
Sisterhood and women's right to fail big time!
The director talks to FRED about this biopic, based on the real story of two journalists, kidnapped in Ethiopia.
On the red carpet of Downtown Abbey's Italian premiere.
BFI London Film Festival Chief Executive Officer, Amanda Nevill, spoke to us about this year's festival from the red carpet of the The Irishman.
British director Craig Roberts told us what inspired him to make Sally Hawkins-starring Eternal Beauty.
Yance Ford tells us about leading the jury to decide on Best Documentary Film at the BFI London Film Festival.
Actress Stephanie Kurtzuba spoke to us from the red carpet about her role in The Irishman.
Famed costume designer, Sandy Powell, shared her experience working on new Martin Scorsese film, The Irishman.
Producer Santiago A Zapata told us about winning Best Film for Monos at the BFI London Film Festival.