David Zonana – Heroico #Berlinale2023
David Zonana’s Heroico unveils how violence and toxic masculinity is still systemic in nowadays Mexico.
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EXTRA Channel 03 FRED Film Radio channel used to broadcast press conferences, seminars, workshops, master classes, etc.
GERMAN Channel 04 Wenn Ihre Sprache Deutsch ist, oder Sie diese Sprache verstehen, dann ist das IHR KANAL !
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SLOVENIAN Channel 10
ENTERTAINMENT Channel 11 FRED Film Radio Channel used to broadcast music and live shows from Film Festivals.
BULGARIAN Channel 16 Ако българският е вашият роден език, или го разбирате, ТОВА Е ВАШИЯТ КАНАЛ !
CROATIAN Channel 17 Ako je hrvatski tvoj jezik, ili ga jednostavno razumiješ, OVO JE TVOJ KANAL!
LATVIAN Channel 18
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CZECH Channel 23
SLOVAK Channel 25
ICELANDIC Channel 26 Ef þú talar, eða skilur íslensku, er ÞETTA RÁSIN ÞÍN !
INDUSTRY Channel 27 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to industry professionals.
EDUCATION Channel 28 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to film literacy.
SARDU Channel 29 Si su sardu est sa limba tua, custu est su canale chi ti deghet!
“Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot
PODCAST | Chiara Nicoletti interviews Dennis Ruh, director of the European Film Market.
Dennis Ruh, Director of the EFM since the end of 2020, is looking forward to his first EFM in person after 2 years of online editions due to pandemic restrictions. The historical market location Martin Gropius Bau is ready to host more than 11,500 participants, more or less the same amount of the pre-pandemic editions and the EFM team has worked hard to concentrate all the market activities such as market screenings, conferences and panels in the Potsdamer Platz area so that all industry professionals can make the most out of their time in Berlin.
The European Film Market is one of the top three meeting places of the international film and media industries. Its close links with the Berlinale as a public film festival, and its position at the heart of Berlin’s vivid creative economy, are defining characteristics of the Berlinale’s film market. Yet the EFM is more than just an agile marketplace for trading film and audiovisual content – it has also positioned itself as a platform for innovation and change. Over a period of eight days, around 10,000 representatives of the international film and media industries – primarily producers, buyers and sales agents, distributors and financiers – come together to network, exchange, inform themselves and do business. As the first major film market of the year, the EFM is in a strong position and serves as a compass, barometer and pacesetter for the new film year: new productions and developments, future-proof business models, contacts and contracts – it all starts here. The EFM’s varied locations range from the beautiful Gropius Bau to elegant Marriott Hotel, modern Berliner Freiheit or the historic Zoo Palast. A professional infrastructure for exhibitors, state-of-the-art cinemas, numerous market premieres and outstanding service via close customer and partner relationships distinguish the film market as a first class trading platform. The EFM serves the diversity and breadth of requirements for its different participant groups, focusing on networking, exchange, information and the constant integration of new players.
To discover more abount the European Film Market, click here.
Written by: fredfilmradio
Berlin International Film Festival Chiara Nicoletti Denis Ruh European Film Market
Dennis RuhFilm
BerlinaleDavid Zonana’s Heroico unveils how violence and toxic masculinity is still systemic in nowadays Mexico.
Rogowski and italian directors: the perfect match.
Protagonists of Angela Schanelec's Music talk about the wise freedom the director gave them in this Oedipus myth transposition to the big screen.
Mother’s baby, in competition at the 75th Berlinale, is a psychological thriller about the hidden side of motherhood.
Ari, in competition at the 75th Berlinale is a portrait of man trying to find his way back on track
The Safe house, in the 75th Berlinale competition, brings on the big screen La Cache by Christophe Boltanski
The Message by Ivàn Fund, in competition at the 75th Berlinale, blends the coming-of-age story with the road movie and magic realism
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