PODCAST| Matt Micucci interviews David Gurgulia, director of the film Dialect.
An interview with director David Gurgulia, from Georgia, who was selected to be part of Future Frames at the 53rd Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. European Film Promotion (EFP) presents ten outstanding young directors from Europe with their latest work at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival every year. Gurgulia’s film is called Dialect.
Dialect: The language of God can’t be learned if you can’t speak it already. Nor can it be recorded or reproduced. Despite this warning, Mithras, a sound engineer, heads out to a sacred reserve to spend a week trying to do just that. Armed with technical equipment, he disturbs a world of endless silence, a world permeated with mysticism and ritual. The seven days spent together with the community at the reserve, however, change not only Mithras but also those who speak the divine language.
Stephan Komandarev, the esteemed Bulgarian director, shares the personal motivations behind his latest film 'Blaga’s Lessons' and offers captivating insights into the intimate portrayal of societal struggles and resilience.
Alessandra Miletto, director of the valle d'Aosta Film Commission talks about the birth fo three new production companies in the region, to make the territory more competitive production-wise, and also about the rise of the cap in film funding.
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"Paul" is the new film by Denis Côté, that brings him again at the Berlinale. With this documentary in the life of a shy and peculiar man called Paul, the director enters the world and observes the evolution of a …
"the Good Sister" by Sarah Miro Fischer starts form a personal experience of violence of the director to narrate what happens between a brother and a sister once he is accused of rape: the perception of a loved one as …