PODCAST | Angelo Acerbi avec Christophe Deroo, Katia Mokolo – réalizateur, productice – Sam was here
Christophe Deroo est à son premier longmétrage, il choisis un genre et il le deforme d’une façon parfaite, en nous donnant un regard nouveau sul le thriller horror. La claustrophobie des cauchemars est la structure narrative et ce qui nous effraye le plus est ce qui est le moins compréhensible. Une production intense et hectique, come nous a racontè la productrice.
Sam was here: 1998. Sam, a salesman, is crossing the Mojave Desert in California. He hasn’t seen a living soul in days and is unable to contact his wife on the phone. When Sam’s car breaks down, he is isolated. To keep in contact with the world he listens to the local radio station and discovers that an assassin is on the loose in the area. In the meantime, he begins to receive strange threats on his pager. He gradually begins to encounter people but they are hostile and aggressive. Maybe they have mistaken him for the fugitive, or perhaps they are trying to turn him into a murderer.