PODCAST | Matt Micucci interviews Celia Rolwson-Hall, director of the film (The [End) of History Illusion].
If change is a natural part of our existence, then “why are we recycling instead of advancing.” Drawing inspiration from current times, Celia Rolwson-Hall, whom we met two years ago at Giornate degli Autori with her feature film Ma, directed one of this year’s Miu Miu Women’s Tales, presented in the same section. The short is titled (The [End) of History Illusion], which she explains is a kind of film that she is interested in making, one that interacts with the audience: “I like to ask questions so that we can find answers together.”
The [End) of History Illusion]: “We understand this political climate has turned your world upside down,” the 1950s TV-ad voice-over tells you. “Underground shelter is your best defense against radioactive fallout.” Cue perky music, tap dancing twins, and a ballerina that bakes the perfect croissant. Welcome to your new luxury home – buried 26 feet below. Complete with mini-golf course, dance floor, swimming pool, two jacuzzis, and a thoroughly modern mermaid. “This is reality.” That is, until the nuclear siren rings. (The [End) of History Illusion], by Celia Rowlson-Hall, is the 14th commission from Miu Miu Women’s Tales. The acclaimed short-film series invites today’s most profound and original female directors to investigate vanity and femininity in the 21st century.
For the official page of the film, click here.