“FILMSTUNDE_23 [Subject: Filmmaking]”, interview with directors Edgar Reitz and Jörg Adolph
FILMSTUNDE_23 [Subject: Filmmaking] by Edgar Reitz and Jörg Adolph is documentary about a film course Reitz gave in a girls' grammar school back in 1968
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“Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot
Carlo Chatrian, Interview with the Artistic Director of the 74th Berlinale Chiara Nicoletti
“Festivals are a place for a collective experience”, reminds us Carlo Chatrian, the Artistic Director of the 74th Berlinale. As Film festivals provide a space for artistic expression and enable peaceful dialogue, Chatrian confirms that this edition of the Berlin International film festival is definitely dedicated to intercultural understanding through arts and through film.
“The moving images of this festival are precious, like a forest facing extinction” with this concept in mind, Director Chatrian explores this year’s program and highlights that all the films selected, even when they entertain (there are several comedies in the programme) , they do so to remind us that we are beings made of flesh and blood.
The competition jury of this year will have Lupita Nyong’o as President, a multifaceted artist, say Chatrian, perfect for the role. The festival will also pay homage to two Masters of World Cinema: Martin Scorsese and Edgar Reitz.
The 74th Berlinale will be Carlo Chatrian ’s last edition as from 2025 on, he will be succeeded by former London Film Festival’s director Trisha Tuttle. The Artistic director is proud to be leaving a Berlinale that has become, along his direction years, a very strong, balanced and valuable key event in the cinematographic world.
Written by: Chiara Nicoletti
BerlinaleFILMSTUNDE_23 [Subject: Filmmaking] by Edgar Reitz and Jörg Adolph is documentary about a film course Reitz gave in a girls' grammar school back in 1968
1968 hat Edgar Reitz in seiner 'Filmstunde' versucht, Film an einem Mädchengymnasium zu unterrichten. 55 Jahre später blickt er mit Jörg Adolph darauf zurück.
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Ari, in competition at the 75th Berlinale is a portrait of man trying to find his way back on track
The Safe house, in the 75th Berlinale competition, brings on the big screen La Cache by Christophe Boltanski
The Message by Ivàn Fund, in competition at the 75th Berlinale, blends the coming-of-age story with the road movie and magic realism
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