27 Times Cinema - Mostra del Cinema di Venezia
Cecilia Volpi, Italy
Discover the participants of the 27 Times Cinema at Venezia 80.
Top listeners:
ENGLISH Channel 01 If English is your language, or a language you understand, THIS IS YOUR CHANNEL !
ITALIAN Channel 02 Se l’italiano è la tua lingua, o una lingua che conosci, QUESTO È IL TUO CANALE!
EXTRA Channel 03 FRED Film Radio channel used to broadcast press conferences, seminars, workshops, master classes, etc.
GERMAN Channel 04 Wenn Ihre Sprache Deutsch ist, oder Sie diese Sprache verstehen, dann ist das IHR KANAL !
POLISH Channel 05
SPANISH Channel 06 Si tu idioma es el español, o es un idioma que conoces, ¡ESTE ES TU CANAL!
FRENCH Channel 07 Si votre langue maternelle est le français, ou si vous le comprenez, VOICI VOTRE CHAINE !
ROMANIAN Channel 09 Dacă vorbiţi sau înţelegeţi limba română, ACESTA ESTE CANALUL DUMNEAVOASTRĂ!
SLOVENIAN Channel 10
ENTERTAINMENT Channel 11 FRED Film Radio Channel used to broadcast music and live shows from Film Festivals.
BULGARIAN Channel 16 Ако българският е вашият роден език, или го разбирате, ТОВА Е ВАШИЯТ КАНАЛ !
CROATIAN Channel 17 Ako je hrvatski tvoj jezik, ili ga jednostavno razumiješ, OVO JE TVOJ KANAL!
LATVIAN Channel 18
DANISH Channel 19
HUNGARIAN Channel 20
DUTCH Channel 21
GREEK Channel 22
CZECH Channel 23
SLOVAK Channel 25
ICELANDIC Channel 26 Ef þú talar, eða skilur íslensku, er ÞETTA RÁSIN ÞÍN !
INDUSTRY Channel 27 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to industry professionals.
EDUCATION Channel 28 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to film literacy.
SARDU Channel 29 Si su sardu est sa limba tua, custu est su canale chi ti deghet!
“Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot
Australia Spanish Film Festival
Benjamin Zeccola, co-curator of the Spanish FF Australia fredfilmradio
Artistic co-curator Benjamin Zeccola unpacks the 2023 line-up that features a curated selection of dramas and box office hit comedies including the Opening Night Australian premiere of Two many chefs.
Festival Centrepiece Alcàrras has been a critical and audience success in Spain, taking home the Golden Bear at Berlinale in 2022.
From Spain is box office hit thriller Prison 77 and from Colombia, Laura Mora Ortega’s award-winning drama The kings of the worlds.
The festival Retrospective Lord of Dance focuses on Carlos Saura and showcases a selection of works from the Spanish filmmaker who passed away earlier this year. Festival special events include Argentinian and Mexican Nights, while the Closing Night will celebrate the 40th anniversary of Carlos Saura’s multi-award winner Carmen.
Written by: fredfilmradio
Benjamin ZeccolaFestival
Australia Spanish Film Festival27 Times Cinema - Mostra del Cinema di Venezia
todaySeptember 9, 2023 2
Discover the participants of the 27 Times Cinema at Venezia 80.
Mother’s baby, in competition at the 75th Berlinale, is a psychological thriller about the hidden side of motherhood.
Ari, in competition at the 75th Berlinale is a portrait of man trying to find his way back on track
The Safe house, in the 75th Berlinale competition, brings on the big screen La Cache by Christophe Boltanski
The Message by Ivàn Fund, in competition at the 75th Berlinale, blends the coming-of-age story with the road movie and magic realism
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