Locarno77: Pardo d’Onore Manor Award to Jane Campion
Locarno77 is set to honor the remarkable achievements of Jane Campion with the prestigious Pardo d’Onore Manor award.
Locarno77 is set to honor the remarkable achievements of Jane Campion with the prestigious Pardo d’Onore Manor award.
Full jury lineup unveiled for 77th Festival de Cannes including Pierfrancesco Favino, Omar Sy and Eva Green.
At the 39° Lovers Film Festival in Turin, the director Kate Maveau shared her story and the process of "It Burns". A film about going through the five stages of grief. Maveau zoomed in the isolation of the denial. With …
At FRED microphones we had the opportunity to have a chat with Sonam Larcin, director of "Ce qui nous lie/The Bond Between Us", before its first screening at the 39° Lovers Film Festival in Turin. Sonam Larcin introduced his documentary …
Premiati al Lovers Film Festival film che hanno affrontato temi come matrimonio, genitorialità, intersessualità e la ricerca dell'amore.
Un tributo al cinema d'autore e alle tematiche universali: i vincitori del 37° Bolzano Film Festival Bozen.
The Festival de Cannes programme, now featuring thirteen new additions including new works by Hazanavicius, Desplechin, Stone, and Rúnarsson.
Esplorando le Dinamiche del Passato per Illuminare il Presente: Cristiano Bortone e Daniela Porto Raccontano "Il mio posto è qui" al 39° Lovers Film Festival
Touched by Claudia Rorarius, after Locarno is finally landing the 37th Bolzano Film Festival competition
In "Lesvia", Tzeli Hadjidimitriou cattura l'anima di Eressos e della sua comunità lesbica che lì negli anni '70 ha trovato una casa.