Clémence Michalon – 28 Times Cinema – Représentant Français #VeniceDays
Clémence Michalon - 28 Times Cinema - Représentant Français Reporter: Matt Micucci
Clémence Michalon - 28 Times Cinema - Représentant Français Reporter: Matt Micucci
David Oelhoffen, Director, Loin Des Hommes - Far From men David Oellhofen meets FRED's Chiara Nicoletti to talk about his new film FAR FROM MEN with Viggo Mortensen and Reda Kateb which is in competition at the 71st Venice International Film Festival. Festival Section: …
Habib Rezaei, Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, Actor, Director, Ghesseha - Tales Fred has the chance to speak with internationally acclaimed director Rakhshan Bani-Etemad and the actor HabibRezaei, about her latest film Ghesseha, here in competition at Venice 71. Festival Section: in competition Reporter: Nicolò …
Ahna O'Reilly, Janet Gretzky, Actress, The Sound and the Fury FRED's Chiara Nicoletti meets with the main actresses of the new film by James Franco, THE SOUND AND THE FURY, which has been presented at the 71st Venice International Film Festival …
Reda Kateb, Actor, Loin Des Hommes - Far from Men FRED's Chiara Nicoletti meets Reda Kateb, co-protagonist with Viggo Mortensen of the film LOIN DES HOMMES - Far From Men by David Oellhofen, in competition at the 71st Venice International Film Festival. Festival …
Rok Bicek, Director, Class Enemy Chiara Nicoletti meets again Rok Bicek, director of Class Enemy who is back in Venice, after participating in the Venice Critics' week last year, as one of the three finalists of the LUX PRIZE. Rok Bicek will have the possibility of presenting …
Scott Haze, Jacob Loeb, Actors, The Sound and the Fury FRED's Chiara Nicoletti meets with the main actors of the new film by James Franco, THE SOUND AND THE FURY, which has been presented at the 71st Venice International Film Festival …
Sabah Benziadi, Sciacca Film Fest. Reporter: Amanny Mohamed.
Emanuele Caruso, Regista, E fu sera e fu mattina. Chie l’at naradu chi pro fàghere unu film de calidade bi cherent produtziones milionàrias? Emanuele Caruso, regista esordiente de su film “E fu sera e fu mattina”, contat de comente est …
Giuliano Montaldo (Anac), Roberto Barzanti (Giornate degli Autori) Zhang Jianda (Ambasciata di Cina in Italia), China Film Forum - Il Cinema Cinese nel Mondo: opportunità e strategia Hosted by: Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days, Xinhua International e iQIYI in collaboration with La Biennale di Venezia and 2014 Chengdu Creativity Design Week Festival Section: Venice …
Giuliano Montaldo (Anac), Roberto Barzanti (Giornate degli Autori) Zhang Jianda (Ambasciata di Cina in Italia), China Film Forum - Il Cinema Cinese nel Mondo: opportunità e strategia Hosted by: Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days, Xinhua International e iQIYI in collaboration with La Biennale di …