“The Falling Sky”, entrevista con el co-director Eryk Rocha
The Falling Sky, documental dirigido por Eryk Rocha y Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, a la Quinzaine 2024
The Falling Sky, documental dirigido por Eryk Rocha y Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, a la Quinzaine 2024
An esclusive interview to Wendy Mitchell, festival producer at Sundance London 2024.
After "Bowling Saturn", French director Patricia Mazuy comes back with "Visiting Hours", which scrutinises playfully, yet with great social acumen, the unlikely alliance of two prisoners' wives with very different backgrounds
Plastic Guns by Jean-Christophe Meurisse, at the Cannes’ Directors Fortnight 2024 is the new surrealistic film by the Bloody Oranges director
Arnaud et Jean-Marie Larrieu sur l'élément "réaliste et romanesque" du "Roman de Jim" : "Si on résume 27 ans de vie en 1h40, vous allez voir qu'on vit des émotions énormes, et c'est le cas pour tout le monde, chacun …
Spectateurs! special screening in Cannes 77, is Arnaud Desplechin’s love letter to cinema and its audience
En Fanfare di Emmanuel Courcol, a Cannes 77, riflette sul potere della musica, sulla fratellanza e sul determinismo sociale
Con Las Novias del sur, la spagnola Elena López Riera torna a raccontare le donne
Ghost Trail, in Cannes 77, sees winner of the UCR best actor award 2022 Adam Bessa coming back as protagonist
Locarno Film Fest '24 stuns with Annie Leibovitz poster, jury prez Jessica Hausner, honoree Claude Barras, and restored classics.