At Focus London 2024, Fred Film Radio had the pleasure of speaking with Alessandra Gonnella, a writer, director and producer.
She shared with us some highlights of the year for her personally, having recently wrapped on a series for Paramount based on a short film, as well as having founded Nervosa Pictures, aiming to support female-led productions.
Alelessandra Gonnella further spoke about the events branch of her work and their partnership with the Italian Trade Agency at Focus London, aiming to bring fresh and young faces to networking and panel events.
She reflected on the long tradition of filmmaking in Italy and history of incredible filmmakers whose films have reached far beyond Italy’s borders, which allows the country to sell itself in terms of artistic appeal, but pointed out that UK and Italy co-productions for example are still quite rare.
Ending on a positive note, Gonnella pointed out that now seemed a better time than ever to be a young female director, with the TV industry in particular having helped to break some of those glass ceilings, as evidenced by her own career.
This interview was recorded during the Focus London, in partnership with the Italian Film Commissions Association and with the support of the Italian Trade Agency.