The Book Adaptation Rights market is one of the sections of the Venice Production Bridge that puts publishers in touch with producers to try and agree on adaptations for film and television. We caught up with Raffaella De Angelis (Head of Literary Acquisitions and IP Strategy, Fremantle) and Theo Collier (Rights Director, Feltrinelli Group) to talk about how this section of the VPB works and what the advantages are from their point of view.
An opportunity for intense encounters that multiply the possibilities
Both of our interviewees agreed that the Book Adaptation Rights Market is the ideal place to meet many like-minded industry professionals, in a site of practicality and convenience, and above all a unique unity of place. For both Theo, with a catalogue of titles to propose as inspirations for the production of TV series or films, and Raffaella, who is on the opposite side, in the position of looking for new ideas and possibilities for future productions, this is the place to be and bring home results.