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River to River Florence Film Festival

“Fatima”, Interview with Producer Peter J. Kirby

todayDecember 15, 2023 1

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Exploring the docu-film Fatima with producer Peter J. Kirby the Unveiling of Struggles Through Film at River to River Film Festival

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    "Fatima", Interview with Producer Peter J. Kirby Laura Della Corte

Podcast | Download

At the River to River Film Festival in Florence, Fred Film Radio engaged in a compelling discussion with Peter J. Kirby, the producer of “Fatima“.  Their conversation unveiled the intricacies and challenges behind bringing Fatima’s poignant story to the screen.

Peter’s Involvement and Emotional Resonance

Peter initially joined the project due to his admiration for director Shorab Dutta‘s skill and vision. The film, shedding light on the trafficking of girls in north India, centers around “Fatima“, an activist challenging this culture of exploitation. For Peter, the story’s resonance lies in Fatima‘s courage to stand against her community’s practices.

Crafting the Story and Challenges Faced

The film captures silent, reflective moments, revealing profound emotions beyond dialogue. The team faced challenges in balancing Fatima’s personal life and activism within the narrative. Accessing the community took years, showcasing the difficulties and risks involved in challenging societal norms. Filming encountered obstacles from the police, highlighting systemic issues in the region.

Editing and Evolving Narrative

The movie’s development spanned several years, leading to an evolving storyline. Peter‘s involvement was primarily in the editing phase, crafting a dynamic narrative that balanced both the personal and political aspects of Fatima’s life.

Personal Takeaways and Reflections

Peter reflects on the film’s impact and the sensitive nature of its portrayal in India. While navigating challenges in showcasing the film, particularly in regions where the law isn’t enforced adequately, he finds the film’s narrative crucial in shifting focus to lesser-discussed forms of trafficking.

Emotional Impact and Reception

Discussing Fatima’s reaction to the film, Peter acknowledges the emotional journey it was for her, portraying her activism on a public platform. Despite a language barrier, Fatima found the experience positive, viewing it as a means to amplify her cause.

Peter concludes by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to share insights about “Fatima” at River to River Film Festival, acknowledging the impact of the film on a personal and societal level.


Fatima has become an activist to challenge sex trade in her community. Married off to a pimp as a child-bride and expected to become a sex-worker by her in-laws, she has a genuine knowledge of and access to the women in her community. Fatima tries desperately hard to prevent her children going into the sex trade. She divorces her husband and as we follow her personal ups and downs: falling in love again, trying to start a new family, we find out more about why she chose to fight against the abuse and exploitation that has become systemic in her community. Despite the forces of police corruption and community ties hampering her efforts, Fatima appears to be rewarded both as an activist and in her personal life. But there is growing resentment and Fatima's hopes appear to be constantly overwhelmed by the challenges facing her and her new family.

Written by: Laura Della Corte


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