“Hey Joe”, interview with actor James Franco
Hey Joe by Claudio Giovannesi stars James Franco in his first protagonist role in an Italian film.
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“Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot
PODCAST | Angelo Acerbi interviews Makbul Mubarak, director of the film Autobiography.
Makbul Mubarak brings, with Autobiagraphy, on the surface the moral and education Indonesian have been taught of in ages, under the dictatorship. these are the core significance of the film and this tale serves the purpose of analyzing and questioning this assumption: Is it moral to be faithful to someone who is immoral?
Autobiography: With his father in prison and his brother abroad for work, young Rakib works as the lone housekeeper in an empty mansion belonging to Purna, a retired general whose family Rakib’s clan have served for centuries in a rural Indonesian town. After Purna returns home to start his mayoral election campaign, Rakib bonds with the older man, who becomes a close mentor and father figure, and finds his calling as Purna’s assistant in work and life. When Purna’s election poster is found vandalised one day, Rakib doesn’t hesitate to track down the culprit, kicking off an escalating chain of violence…
Written by: fredfilmradio
Angelo Acerbi Autobiography Makbul Mubarak Orizzonti Venezia79
Makbul MubarakFilm
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Hey Joe by Claudio Giovannesi stars James Franco in his first protagonist role in an Italian film.
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With "Eden", Ron Howard builds an intense and disturbing drama on an incredible real life story, so compelling and fantastic, for the location (in the Galapagos islands) and for a top notch cast that gives all they can for the …
Kyle Hausmann-Stokes' My dead friend Zoe delves into the complex journey of veterans navigating the lingering traumas of combat. The film masterfully captures their struggle to redefine themselves in civilian life, skillfully balancing drama with moments of sharp comedy.
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