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    ENGLISH Channel 01 If English is your language, or a language you understand, THIS IS YOUR CHANNEL !

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    ITALIAN Channel 02 Se l’italiano è la tua lingua, o una lingua che conosci, QUESTO È IL TUO CANALE!

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    EXTRA Channel 03 FRED Film Radio channel used to broadcast press conferences, seminars, workshops, master classes, etc.

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    GERMAN Channel 04 Wenn Ihre Sprache Deutsch ist, oder Sie diese Sprache verstehen, dann ist das IHR KANAL !

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    POLISH Channel 05

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    SPANISH Channel 06 Si tu idioma es el español, o es un idioma que conoces, ¡ESTE ES TU CANAL!

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    FRENCH Channel 07 Si votre langue maternelle est le français, ou si vous le comprenez, VOICI VOTRE CHAINE !

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    PORTUGUESE Channel 08

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    ROMANIAN Channel 09 Dacă vorbiţi sau înţelegeţi limba română, ACESTA ESTE CANALUL DUMNEAVOASTRĂ!

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    SLOVENIAN Channel 10

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    ENTERTAINMENT Channel 11 FRED Film Radio Channel used to broadcast music and live shows from Film Festivals.

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    BULGARIAN Channel 16 Ако българският е вашият роден език, или го разбирате, ТОВА Е ВАШИЯТ КАНАЛ !

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    CROATIAN Channel 17 Ako je hrvatski tvoj jezik, ili ga jednostavno razumiješ, OVO JE TVOJ KANAL!

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    LATVIAN Channel 18

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    DANISH Channel 19

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    HUNGARIAN Channel 20

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    DUTCH Channel 21

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    GREEK Channel 22

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    CZECH Channel 23

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    LITHUANIAN Channel 24

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    SLOVAK Channel 25

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    ICELANDIC Channel 26 Ef þú talar, eða skilur íslensku, er ÞETTA RÁSIN ÞÍN !

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    INDUSTRY Channel 27 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to industry professionals.

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    EDUCATION Channel 28 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to film literacy.

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    SARDU Channel 29 Si su sardu est sa limba tua, custu est su canale chi ti deghet!

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    “Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot

Business Street - Rome

Massimo Saidel – The Business Street #RomaFF9

todayOctober 20, 2014

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    Massimo Saidel - The Business Street #RomaFF9 fredfilmradio

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Massimo Saidel, Coordinator, The Business Street – Rome Intenational Film Market – 17/21 October 2014.

Fred meets with Massimo Saidel who is in charge of coordinating Rome International Film Market – The Business Street for the second year with Francesca Palleschi and Markus Duffner. The International participation (including buyers, world sales agents and producers) to this 9th edition of TBS has already increased by a record +25% . The Market will take place  from October 17th to 21st 2014 at its tradition venue the Hotel Bernini Bristol in Via Veneto while the market screenings will be at the Multisala Barberini theatre, and the digital Video Library. Panels, workshop and conferences will take place at La Casa del Cinema. The Business Street will pay particular attention to cinematography, and to the film industries of Argentina and Brazil, the guest Countries of an Industry Focus that will bring to Rome a prestigious delegation of authors, producers, distributors and institutional representatives from the two countries, professionals who will present their most recent productions in screenings at the Film Market in Rome, thanks to the the support of ANCINE (Agência Nacional do Cinema – Brazil), APEX (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency)  Cinema do Brasil for Brazil, the INCAA (Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales) for Argentina and in collaboration with MiBACT and ICE-Agenzia. For the second year, the dialogue with China continues and gives life to China Day – act two, one of the activities featured in the “China Project”, organized by ANICA for MiBACT and MiSE as part of the “ANICA-Agenzia Internationalization Project”. This edition of TBS will also introduce a new inititative this year, Italian Film Boutique by Movie UP – Roma/Lazio Cinema Days for International Buyers’ since The Business Street is the ideal place to organize specifically dedicated screenings of the most recent Italian films open exclusively to international buyers.Another successful initiative started last year REMAKE IT
will see its second edition and the format for this event will be reinforced to offer greater opportunities for the promotion of these titles and to foster more effective networking between professionals and during the panel dedicated to the “remake it” project, prestigious speakers has been asked to share their know-how on the theme of negotiating remake rights from both a legal and a commercial point of view.

Reporter: Chiara Nicoletti.

Written by: fredfilmradio


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