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River Film Festival

“40° N, 73° W”, Interview with director Sandy Williams

todayJune 14, 2024 5

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Sandy Williams uncover the rich narratives of Black and Indigenous communities and discusses the themes of community and history in 40° N, 73° W.

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    "40° N, 73° W", Interview with director Sandy Williams Laura Della Corte

Podcast | Download

The interview conducted at the River Film Festival in Padova offers a profound insight into the short film “40 Degrees North, 73 Degrees West” and the work of its director, Sandy Williams. The discussion explores themes of community, history, and the overlooked narratives within Black and Indigenous communities in the United States.

The interview begins with a question about a poignant phrase in the short film: “We cannot know history only if we hear from the point of view of the hunter without listening to the lion.Sandy Williams reveals that this powerful statement came spontaneously from a community leader during the filming, reflecting a central theme of the film. The unscripted interviews and perspectives captured in the film, combined with Sandy’s narration, create a rich tapestry of voices and experiences.

The film’s unique approach to uncovering and presenting history challenges the often negative or limited portrayals of Black communities in the media. Sandy Williams explains that the film is part of a larger archival project, the 40 Acres Archive, which aims to document forgotten histories along the East Coast. This project not only seeks to uncover the past but also to document the present, creating a legacy for future generations.

The portrayal of community and culture stands out as a significant element, resonating deeply. One moment in the film features a woman speaking about the simple yet profound aspects of their community—music, good food, and good people. This sense of belonging and community, despite the erasure of their history, is a powerful message that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries.

Sandy Williams elaborates on the film’s metaphor of skywriting, symbolizing the ephemeral yet enduring nature of history. The erased records of communities like those in Brooklyn, New York, persist through the memories and lives of the people. The project highlights the importance of acknowledging these foundations and understanding that such histories are integral to the present and future.

In conclusion, Sandy’s film and archival project underscore a universal human need for safety, community, and love. By bringing to light these hidden histories, the film fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural tapestries that make up our world. The encouragement for Sandy to continue this impactful work emphasizes the importance of these stories in shaping a more inclusive and empathetic society.


40° N, 73° W is a compelling short film that delves into the rich and often overlooked histories of Black and Indigenous communities in the United States. Through a series of unscripted interviews and personal narratives, the film captures the voices and experiences of community members, revealing their perspectives on history, culture, and identity.

Written by: Laura Della Corte

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