PODCAST | Matt Micucci interviews Martin Koerber, head of the film archive at Deutsche Kinemathek, from the 2016 FIAF Congress in Bologna.
As a major film archive in Germany, the Deutsche Kinemathek boasts one of the most impressive film archives in the world, preserving film and film related items in its homebase. Its activities go beyond that, however, and this conversation with Martin Koerber, the head of its film archive enlightens us on its various activities and areas of interest. Besides preservation, which as Koerber tells us, is quite demanding and precise work, the Deutsche Kinemathek restored films. Moreover, it has a museum which hosts a permanent exhibition on the history of Germany cinema and constant temporary ones.
As a take-home point, we also take the opportunity to ask Koerber about various pressing issues regarding film archiving; some talked about, such as the issue of digitization of film and other which people are less aware of, such as the neglected practice of storing new films in film archives – which the Deutsche Kinemathek is also involved in prominently – and an insightful observ ation about film exhibitions, and the danger of fewer projectionists being properly trained to handle the film archive copies with care.
Find out more about the Deutsche Kinemathek at https://www.deutsche–kinemathek.de/en