PODCAST | FRED’s Matt Micucci interviews Esteve Riambau, director, and Mariona Bruzzo, head of the archive of the Filmoteca de Catalunya from the 2016 FIAF Congress.
The Filmoteca de Catalunya is one of the chief cultural centres of Barcellona, and could not be missed at this year’s FIAF Congress. We caught up with its director Esteve Riambau and the head of its archive Mariona Bruzzo. Along with an overview of the Filmoteca’s activities, particularly relating to film preservation, archiving, cataloguing and exhibition, and the activities that it is involved with and particularly interested in, we ask more specific questions. One of these is an outline of the differences between Catalonian cinema and the majority of the rest of Spanish cinema. Another, for instance, is a story of how films that are currently in the archives might be found, or how they are then used for collaborations.
For more information on the Filmoteca de Catalunya, go to http://www.filmoteca.cat/web/